Past Events

CVCLU Chapter Event History (1990 – 2016 compiled by Anna Leffel; 2017 - 2021 additions by Paul Wagner)


Annual Meeting: Wednesday, November 10th, 2021, with ACLU-WI update from interim executive director Shaadie Ali, and presentation by Wendy Sue Johnson on gerrymandering.

Chapter Activities: staffed tables at Chippewa Valley Pride and Juneteenth gatherings.

Informational meetings and discussion with:

Dr. Jeneise Briggs, EDI coordinator with city/county of Eau Claire

Eau Claire Police Department chief Matt Rokus


Annual Meeting: Thursday, November 2nd, 2020, with report from Larry DuPuis, ACLU-WI legal director, and panel discussion on "The Role of the Free Press in a Democracy" with Julian Emerson, Katrina Lim and Jessie Yang.

Chapter Activities: August: virtual Beer and Bill of Rights Gathering with David Carlson, regional coordinator for ACLU_WI, staffed tables at Chippewa Valley Pride and Juneteenth gatherings.

Board member John Wiltrout met with Chippewa Falls police chief Matthew Kelm; board members Lindsey Brandrup, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Kelle Moran and Teresa O'Halloran assisted former and current Chippewa Falls high school students in meetings with administrator regarding identity-based bullying


Annual Meeting: Thursday, November 7th, 2019; panel discussion at Unitarian Universalist fellowship on Reproductive Freedom: Protecting a Woman's Right To Choose, with Cheryl Thiede, Sara Thielen, and Chris Ott.

Chapter Activities: August: third Beer and Bill of Rights gathering at Brewing Projekt taproom with Emilio De Torre and David Carlson, staffed table at Juneteenth and Pridefest. Chapter worked with JONAH to bring Emilio del Torre from ACLU-WI to Eau Claire to present a Know Your Rights training workshop for the Latino community.


Annual Meeting: Wednesday, November 14, 2018, presentation by Sean Wilson of ACLU-WI on "Smart Justice: Ending Mass Incarceration in Wisconsin".

Chapter Activities: second Beer and Bill of Rights gathering at Lazy Monk Brewery, discussion of immigration issues with Kara Lynum (immigration attorney), Luis Solis, and Chris Ott; staffed tables at Martin Luther King day, Chippewa Valley Pride and Juneteenth gatherings, John Wiltrout met with the Chippewa County sheriff


Annual Meeting: Thursday, November 2nd, 2017, together with the annual ACLU-WI State Meeting

State Meeting: Emilio De Torre, Director of Community Engagement for the ACLU of Wisconsin, presenting the program, “Fight Back! Resisting Trump’s assaults on immigration, LGBTQ rights, and free speech.”

Chapter Activities: Resistance Training by livestream for ACLU People Power Action Event, first Beer and Bill of Rights gathering organized by Paul Wagner at Lazy Monk Brewery with new ACLU-WI Executive Director Chris Ott, co-hosted or helped with events sponsored by Indivisible: Chippewa Valley and People Power, helped facilitate appearance of Molly McGrath, ACLU-WI speaking on voter rights at Western Wisconsin Citizen’s Summit , staffed table at Senior American’s Day, discussed and gave input on Menomonie School Board issue regarding class education on Islamic issues.


Annual Meeting: October 27, 2016

3 UWEC professors and UWEC students speak host panel presentation about Political Correctness

Chapter Activities: addressed concerns about racial profiling on UWEC campus, lobbied in support of ECASD policy to protect transgender students, staffed table at Senior American’s Day


Annual Meeting: October 28, 2015

Chief Probation officer of Western District of Wisconsin, Executive director of WCLU, Re-Entry coordinator at Dane County Human Services, and program supervisor at the community transition center speak on life after incarceration and re-entrance into the community

Chapter Activities: presentations about privacy and technology, monitored drone activity in area, partnered with community organizations


Annual Meeting: October 8, 2014

Madison professor discusses the privatization of public schools

Chapter Activities: led fundraiser to support ACLU legal challenge to Wisconsin’s same-sex marriage ban, interview on WHYS radio about marriage equality, press conference about launch of Wisconsin Unites for Marriage Coalition, tabled EC Pride event


Annual Meeting: October 24, 2013

Former Planned Parenthood president, Executive Director of WCLU, and co-founder of Chippewa Valley Free Clinic speak about Equal Access to Health Care

Chapter Activities: investigation of racial profiling incident at local restaurant (resulted in staff training and apology), launched GSA at MHS, alerted Manz about advertisment for VBS, presentation to CV Learning in Retirement, hosted first “Let’s Talk: ACLU”, led efforts to pass more drone regulations, WEAU-TV 13 interview about ACLU position opposing collection of DNA at time of arrest, tabled Pride Fest


Annual Meeting: September 20, 2012

ACLU Policy Analyst, Chris Soghoian, speaks on law enforcement surveillance of internet and mobile communication

Chapter Activities: organize coalition against voter-ID, monitoring of drone activity in EC area, sent letter to UWEC chancellor protesting charges for student photo IDs for voting purposes, tabled Bobfest North, Free Food/Free Speech Festival, and Pride Picnic


Annual Meeting: October 26, 2011

Equal opportunity specialist, political science professor, EC chief of police, and UWEC chancellor for inclusion tak on Racial Profiling in the Chippewa Valley

Chapter Activities: distribution of anti-voter ID flyers and information, spoke at EC City Council hearing in favor of Werthmann/Wachs Resolution opposing SB6, led discussion on film “HOWL”, co-sponsored Church/State debate at Schofield Hall, tabled at First Amendment event at UWEC, attended and tabled at Bobfest North, attended Chippewa Valley Pride Day Picnic


Annual Meeting: October 19, 2010

Chris Ahmuty (Executive Director of the WCLU) speaks on Civil Liberties Issues

Chapter Activities: Worked on CVCLU history archive projects, Banned Books Week, participated in Building and Grounds Committee to discuss Jason Zunker Memorial


Annual Meeting: September 30, 2009

Local parent, librarians, and ACLU-spokesperson discuss the First Amendment vs. Parental Discretion

Chapter Activities: co-sponsored the UU Congregation dealing with finance reform, sent letters to Leader Telegram supporting the edits made to Jason Zunker memorial, reviewed UWEC Flipside censorship complaints


Annual Meeting: October 1, 2008

Panel of community members discuss “Are U.S. Elections Fair?”

Chapter Activities: UWEC forms student alliance, ACLU staff host legal observer workshop for University students


Annual Meeting: October 24, 2007

Local Judge, Drug Court coordinator, Reverend, a representative from the Department of Corrections, and Restorative Justice Program coordinator discuss Alternatives to Incarceration

Chapter Activities: active in state referenda campaigns, Progressive Film Festival, resolved complaint about religious handout to a public HS team, presentation at NWEA teachers convention, participation in Banned Books Week


Annual Meeting: September 19, 2006

A death row exoneree, a family member of murder victim, and No Death Penalty Wisconsin representative speak about the Death Penalty

Chapter Activities: members speak out against ban on civil unions, and gay marriage, Banned Books Week, sponsored a visit from Matthew Rothschild of Progressive magazine, discussion at NWEA Teachers convention about films from the ACLU Freedom Files


Annual Meeting: September 27, 2005

Paleoanthropologist discusses religion in public schools and the Scopes Monkey Trial

Chapter Activities: racial discrimination report from CVTC students leads to improvements in classroom and lab management, action on policy on R-rated movies in the classroom, spoke out at City Council meeting about free speech violations, led a workshop on teach LGBT issues at NWEA Teachers convention, showing of “UnConstitutional” a film about Guantanamo and prisoner rights


Annual Meeting: November 4, 2004

Educators, parent, and a student panel on R-rated Movies in Schools: Freedom to Teach; Freedom to Learn

Chapter Activities: Bill of Rights committee formed and created an-Patriot Act resolution, support GSA in Menomonie HS, attended area holiday concerts, Banned Book Week readings, presentation at NWEA on “Teaching Gay Issues in the Schools; Engaging Resistance”


Annual Meeting: November 4, 2003

Personal account from UWEC Palestinian student about harassment of Moslems since the Patriot Act, Discussion with WCLU director about civil liberties since the Patriot Act was passed.

Chapter Activities: presentation to Universalist Fellowship about the Patriot Act, attended school holiday choral programs, asked Wilson Park to change the holiday display, asked city busses to take down flashing religious and political messages. Banned Books Week, table at NWEA Teachers Convention, website reopened


Annual Meeting: November 6, 2002

Group discussion about “Of Rights and Wrongs: The Threat to America’s Freedoms” film

Chapter Activities: holiday concert focus changed, assisted with youth outreach program “The Other America Tour”, helped teacher attend GLSEN “Teaching Respect for All” conference, sponsored a table at NWEA teacher convention, Banned Books Week


Annual Meeting: October 16, 2001

Professors of Sociology and Social Work and WCLU director speak on the prison build-up and its impact on Wisconsin communities

Chapter Activities: branch was awarded Chapter of the Year, monitored the pressure on Chetek schools to teach Creationism, monitored December seasonal music programs in public schools, creation of ACLU campus club at Memorial, banned Books Week, 9/11


Annual Meeting: October 25, 2000

Local religious leaders, Chippewa Falls Public School Superintendent, Professor of Political Science and director of WCLU speak on Religion in Public schools

Chapter Activities: investigation of racial profiling complaint, investigation of religious release program in the Augusta area schools, Banned Books Week, sponsored a booth at the Northwest Education Association convention


Annual Meeting: October 7, 1999

Local Judge speaks about criminal penalties

Chapter Activities: Banned Book Week, assisted in the creation of GSA club at MHS, participated in Diversity March, religious programming in schools


Annual Meeting: October 23, 1998

Discussion about the CVCLU and the ACLU

Chapter Activities: co-sponsor Banned Book Week activities, Chippewa Valley Promise Summit,


Annual Meeting: October 9, 1997

WCLU director, local judge, EC district attorney speak on current issues in criminal justice

Chapter Activities: attended convention of the Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English, co-sponsored celebrations of Banned Books Week, creation of the web page, monitoring religious content in school holiday concert


Annual Meeting: October 15, 1996

ACLU President Forum

Chapter Activities: involvement in Banned Books Week, LGBT students at high school discrimination, avoidance of teaching evolution in HS


Annual Meeting: October 10, 1995

WCLU director, Local lobbyist, private school principal, member of Islamic Center and Mosque speak on Vouchers, Prayer, and the Future of Public Education

Chapter Activities: Native American logo at Menomonie HS, HS sports team prayer before competition


Annual Meeting: October 12, 1994

Local Police chief speaks on civil rights and police work

Chapter Activity: maintenance of private student records, Native American logos, T-shirt policy in EC school district


Annual Meeting: October 12, 1993

Local Judge speaks about “The View of the New Judge”

Chapter Activity: Advisory Council established, Privacy of Student records, Indian Logo at Menomonie HS


Annual Meeting: October 19, 1992

Wisconsin Civil Liberties Union (WCLU) speaks on Free speech

Chapter Activity: Dress code at EC secondary schools, person refused food at distribution center


Annual Meeting: October 2, 1991

Professor speaks about history of the First Amendment (freedom to criticize and censorship)

Chapter Activity: Creche in park, hats in schools, UW hate speech rule, Carillion Christmas music, Sex respect curriculum


Annual Meeting: October 16, 1990

Local Judge speaks about freedom of expression

Chapter Activity: Religious scene in Wilson Park, UW hateful speech rule, School concert religious music, hats in schools, harassment of Hmong children