Board Meeting, Minutes - June 10th, 2018


CVCLU Board Meeting of June 10, 2018

Unitarian Universalist Church, 421 South Farwell St., Eau Claire, Seekers Room

Board members present:

Lindsey Brandrup, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Abby Green, Ann Heywood, Nazish Khan, Mildred Larson, Teresa O’Halloran, David Shih, Paul Wagner, John Wiltrout

Board members absent: Mohammed Alasagherin

The meeting was called to order at 5:07 p.m.

1. The board welcomed Abby Green, new board member.

2. The board discussed the minutes of its April and May meetings.

3. John gave the treasurers report. Balance in savings is 5.01, balance in checking is 851.39.

4. The board discussed old business.

· Student Alliance update – Selika reported good attendance at the meeting she held on campus to ascertain student interest in an ACLU Student Alliance at UWEC. She is going to work with students on the UWEC student organization paperwork this summer, and will work to get Emilio del Torres to visit this fall.

· Juneteenth – Selika reported that wifi will be available, she is publicizing with WPR, and CV Post. Dana Wachs and Irie Sol planning to be there. Asks board members to help publicize through their networks. David, Ann, Abby, and Nazish volunteered to staff CVCLU table.

5. The board discussed new business.

· We don’t need to order more CVCLU brochures

· Pride table went well, staffed by Mildred, Stephanie Turner, Teresa, and David. Lots of visitors, those who attended thought it was a good event. New membership envelopes were given out. Ann is going to check to see if CVCLU still gets money from state ACLU when we designate our chapter on the envelope.

· John wrote a letter and presented it to the board stating that the issue of separation of children and parents at the border is of the utmost importance and suggesting we do a summer event/fundraiser addressing the issue and raising funds for ACLU efforts regarding immigration.

o The board agreed and decided to merge this idea with our Beer and Bill of Rights summer event.

o A subcommittee of John, Ann, Paul, Mildred, and Abby was appointed to plan the event.

· Ann reported that our CVCLU chapter archives project is completed, and mentioned that Greg Kocken, UWEC archivist, was excellent to work with.

· EXPO/Jonah fundraiser was held in Eau Claire last week. Our board will keep up with the activities of this organization due to the alignment of their mission with ACLU’s in our mutual concerns about prisons.

· The board discussed the upcoming Chippewa Valley Votes event, 6/26/18, 5-8 pm, Phoenix Park. Lindsay will liaise with the CV Votes organization and will let our board know what CV Votes needs for support from us.

· The meeting adjourned at 6:18