Board Meeting, Minutes - March 8th, 2020


ACLU-WI Chippewa Valley Chapter Board Meeting

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Unitarian Universalist Congregation 421 South Farwell Street, Eau Claire

Board members present: Lindsey Brandrup, Ann Francis, Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Kelle Moran, Teresa O’Halloran, David Shih, Pa Thao, Paul Wagner, John Wiltrout, LJ Wells, Eliza Wiegel.

Board members absent: Selika Ducksworth-Lawton

1. The meeting was called to order at 5:05.

2. David announced that Emerine Wilson would not be able to join the board. David will contact Elsa Murray, the alternate student, to see if she would like to participate.

3. The minutes from the February 20, 2020 meeting were discussed and accepted as amended.

4. Paul updated the board on the planning for Beer & Bill of Rights event for Summer 2020.

· Paul will check for price Lazy Monk, Metro, ClaireWaters, Modicum, Labor Temple, Brewing Projekt.

· Board members will think about topics and spaces.

· David will contact state to see if they have any ideas for topics.

5. John gave the treasurer’s report. Balances are 1035.46, 5.01 savings, 5.01 checking. Expenses were for student memberships, totaling $15. John is working with state on updating the name on our account.

6. The board discussed our potential involvement with voter registration efforts. We will keep track of Chippewa Valley Votes activities and lend support where appropriate.

7. The board briefly discussed One Read Eau Claire. Selika is the lead on the project and was absent so we were unable to receive a full update as planned. Just Mercy is next on April 4, at Chippewa Valley Museum and Visit Eau Claire.

8. The SWAG committee (Ann F, Eliza, LJ, Mildred, Pa) had no update, but plans to meet on April 6 at Mildred’s.

9. The Communications Committee (Ann H & Pa – newsletter; Kelle & Selika – social media) had no update but the board, led by Kelle and Eliza, discussed using Instagram.

10. The board tabled the agenda item “Update on Legal Observer Training (Selika)”

11. David informed the board that the ACLU Student Org at UW-Eau Claire meets Tuesdays at 4 pm in Centennial Hall.

12. David informed the board that the letter to local educational institutions on racist incidents will go out soon and will include information on the Just Mercy read.

13. The board discussed ACLU-WI CVC representation at other upcoming events. David will speak at the March 9 rally at city hall against the federal order to deport certain individuals to Laos.

14. The board invited questions from its new student representatives.

15. New business

a. The board will consider reaching out to Matt Rokus, the new Eau Claire Police Chief, to discuss local law enforcement issues around managing ICE and federal immigration matters.

b. The board will consider doing Know Your Rights training at local schools. David will follow up with school board.

c. The board decided to consider social events for the board.

16. The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 pm.