Board Meeting, Minutes - July 9th, 2017


Meeting of the CVCLU Board

Unitarian Universalist Church

July 9, 2017

Present: Ann Heywood (chair), Lindsey Brandrup, David Shih, Myron Buchholz, Mohammad Alasagheirin, Teresa O’Halloran, Paul Wagner, Kailee Berg, John Wiltrout (guest)

Absent: Anna Leffel, Mildred Larson

1. Chair Heywood called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.

2. The minutes of the CVCLU Board meeting of June 11 were approved as distributed.

3. Myron presented the Treasurer’s report. There was no activity since the last meeting. The current balance is $1,060.79.

Ann suggested we use funds from the treasury to pay for incidentals and expenses (such as food at the Beer and Bill of Rights event). The proposal was approved without dissent.

4. The Board discussed the State Board report from Ann, particularly the state membership map.

5. The Board discussed CVCLU website renewal and maintenance. The cost is $119 per year for domain name registration and hosting. Teresa moved that we pay for these expenses from the Treasury. Mohammad seconded. The motion was approved without dissent.

Paul will assume the responsibility of posting the Board meeting minutes to website, taking over for Ann.

Ann will write a thank you letter to Dan Freund, on behalf of the Board, for paying for these expenses.

6. The Board discussed the recent Beer and Bill of Rights event. Members agreed that strong promotion combined with the clear sense of purpose (featured speaker Chris Ott) led to high turnout.

Paul will write up a “how to” for organizing future events.

7. The Board discussed chapter vision and direction using the list of suggestions from Ann’s email.

John suggested that smaller communities without chapters can have individual agents who monitor the local news for civil liberties violations. Ann will bring this idea to the State Board.

The Board discussed an administrative staff position based on an offer of funding from State ACLU. David suggested a student internship run through the English department at UW-Eau Claire.

The Board discussed holding a CVCLU program in the Hudson area in the fall.

The Board agreed to appoint a nominations committee. Teresa volunteered to chair.

Lindsey suggested a CVCLU booth at the “Music in the Park” series in Phoenix Park for next summer. Lindsey and Myron volunteered to staff the booth. Teresa will investigate how to get a booth.

8. The Board discussed preliminary annual meeting plans. Members agreed to invite Emilio de Torre as the featured speaker. The Board will contact Emilio to learn his availability.

The Board discussed splitting the dinner, annual meeting, and featured speaker events to increase turnout.

9. The Board discussed chapter news. Mildred asked Jennifer Darr about the African American North High School student transfer issue. Darr and Principal Dave Valk did not remember the event. Lacking evidence of student transfer, the Board agreed to drop the issue.

Ann met two students at coffee klatch from North High School’s Gay Student Alliance who are interested in our chapter. Kailee will follow up with them.

9. The Board discussed moving up the meeting time for the convenience of some members. The Board agreed to meet at 5:30 pm instead of 6:30 pm.

10. The next meeting will be held in the Unitarian Universalist Church on August 13, 2017 at 5:30 pm.

11. The meeting adjourned at 8:02 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

David Shih
