Board Meeting, Minutes - July 10th, 2006
Chippewa Valley Civil Liberties Union
Minutes of Meeting
Charles Jordan’s office
July 10, 2006
Present: Dan Freund, Ann Heywood (presiding), Charles Jordan, Mildred Larson
Notified absences: Nathan Franklin, Karen Hirsch, Bob Nowlan, Nick Passell, Geri Segal
Guest: Renee Alfalah
1. Call to order
Ann Heywood called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. and welcomed our visitor, Renee Alfalah.
2. Minutes of May 8 meeting
Minutes were approved as circulated (Freund/Larson).
3. Treasurer’s report
Treasurer Dan Freund reported income of $1.12 and expenses of $100 (check to Fair Wisconsin) for the quarter April through June. Current balance is $340.43. A motion was approved to accept the treasurer’s report. (Larson/Heywood).
4. Next meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for September 11, at 5 p.m. in Charles Jordan’s office.
5. Report from meeting of Wisconsin Citizen Action
Heywood reported that she has become active as an individual, in Wisconsin Citizen Action. The organization is focusing locally on legislation to provide affordable health care for all. While the issue doesn’t reflect official ACLU policy, it is related to equal protection and the state’s emphasis on race, poverty and civil liberties. She believes this organization replaces the defunct Human Rights Coalition.
6. Using DVDs from ACLU
Mildred Larson reported for Karen Hirsch that Calvin Eland from the Unitarian Universalist Congregation has run into some policy snags to show the ACLU DVDs on Community Television. However, Mildred has had recent communications with ACLU National that may help work out the issues.
7. NWEA Convention plans
We are scheduled to present four ACLU Freedom Files DVDs at the NWEA convention on Friday, October 13, from 10:10 am to 1:10 p.m.
8. Banned Books Week September 23 to 30
Renee Alfalah volunteered to serve as moderator at a Banned Books Week reading Monday or Wednesday evening, September 25 or 27.
9. Fundraiser
We will look at Forum opportunities and the possibility of a program in the spring. Jordan suggested the topic of incarceration rates for Wisconsin prisons. Possible speakers: Judge Barland on sentencing, Don Mowry, U.W.E.C. on prison reform, Richard Wachowski on rehabilitation. The Eau Claire County jail expansion could be included as a topic.
10. Preliminary annual meeting plans
Consensus was that we present a panel discussion presenting pro and con points of view on the Marriage/Civil Unions proposed constitutional amendment for our annual meeting. The third week in September was proposed. Heywood, Alfalah and Larson were appointed to a committee to work on the program. ( After meeting Alfalah reserved library meeting room for September 19.)
11. Nominations committee
Heywood will appoint a Nominations Committee for new Board members. Terms of Board members Franklin, Freund and Larson expire in 2006.
12. Community outreach
Heywood spoke about ACLU to a meeting of the Clear Water Kiwanis in June and found the group very receptive.
13. State Board meeting report
Heywood reported that the State Board is conducting two major campaigns to defeat the proposed Marriage/Civil Unions Constitutional amendment and the referendum on the death penalty.
14. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Mildred Larson
Secretary pro tempore