Board Meeting, Minutes - October 8th, 2017
Meeting of the CVCLU Board
Unitarian Universalist Church, 421 South Farwell St., Eau Claire
October 8, 2017
Present: Ann Heywood (chair), Mohammed Alasagherin, Mildred Larson, David Shih, John Wiltrout
Absent: Kailee Berg, Lindsey Brandrup, Anna Leffel, Teresa O’Halloran, Paul Wagner
1. Chair Heywood called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm.
2. Mildred made a motion to approve the minutes of the CVCLU Board meeting of September 9, 2017, and John seconded. The motion was approved.
3. John presented the Treasurer’s report.
· The checking account has a balance of $1,210.79, and the savings account has a balance of $5.01. There was one anonymous $50 donation since the last report.
· John reported that he moved the spreadsheet to Quicken software. As the Treasurer, he suggested that he serve a primarily a bookkeeper’s role.
· The Board discussed changing the bylaws so that the Treasurer is not responsible for keeping track of chapter membership.
· David made a motion to pay the sexton for the evening of the annual meeting; Mohammed seconded. The motion was approved without dissent.
· Mildred made a motion to approve the policy that John has created regarding the disbursement of funds; Mohammed seconded. The motion was approved without dissent.
4. Ann presented the State Board report. There was a discussion of the People Power initiative. There was concern over redundancy of effort because of many organizations fighting for voting rights.
5. The Board discussed Old Business
· Annual Meeting
o The Board will announce that the ACLU-WI Annual Meeting starts at 7:00 pm without differentiating between the Board meeting and the Program
o The Board discussed the details of the newsletter and how to publish it.
o Ann reported that Steve Betchkal volunteered to make a video recording of the program. The Board will ask Lindsey if she would consider being interviewed for the recording.
o Mildred volunteered to work on press releases.
o Mildred made a motion that the Board pay for the newsletter mailing; John seconded. David will follow up with L&M Courier service to learn if bulk mailing will be less expensive than hand stamping. He will ask if a return request can be put on bulk mail and how long the process will take.
o David will take care of annual meeting minutes and copies of bylaws/changes. He will bring six sign-up sheets for those interested in volunteer work (name / email / phone / area of interest)
o The ballot will have the names of the three people running for the board plus two blank spots for any nominations from the field. David will tally votes; Mohammed will help.
o John, Mildred, and Mohammed will greet.
o Mildred will make signs.
o Mildred will order cake. It will be a chocolate cake with white frosting that says “CVCLU 50th anniversary.”
o Every member brings an hors d’oeuvres. They will let Mildred know beforehand what dish they are bringing. Members can be reimbursed for food if they request. John will bring soft drinks and iced tea. Mildred will buy coffee from the UUC.
o David and Teresa will be on clean up.
o Ann will ask if Mary Jo wants to be introduced.
· November 3 meeting.
o There will be no Board training with the Program guests on November 3.
· Citizen Engagement Summit on November 12
o Lindsey has reserved table already. Table set up is at 10:30. There should be sign-up sheets at the table (perhaps for ACLU action alerts). Ann will send reminders to register. Register at Deadline for registration is November 8. $12 general admission / $6 student.
6. The Board discussed New Business
· The next meeting is November 19 at 5:30 pm at the UUC.
· Ann will follow up with Teresa on the question raised at last year’s annual meeting about racial profiling.
· At the recent People Power event, there was discussion of coordinating with other voting rights organizations such as Chippewa Valley Vote and RAVE (Register and Vote Eau Claire). The Board will discuss this possibility at its next meeting.
7. John made a motion to adjourn, and Mohammed seconded. The motion was approved without dissent, and the meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
David Shih