Board Meeting, Minutes - August 13th, 2017
Agenda - CVCLU Board Meeting. August 13, 2017, 5:30 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church, 421 South Farwell St., Eau Claire
Present: Ann Heywood (chair), Lindsey Brandrup (recording), Jon Wiltrout (guest), Myron Buchholz, Teresa O’Halloran, Anna Leffel, Mildred Larson
Absent: David Shih, Kailee Berg, Paul Wagner, Mohammad Alasagheirin
1) Call to order @ 5:36 pm.
2) Motion to approve Ann’s suggested amendment of 7/11/17 minutes approved.
3) Treasurer’s report—one new donation
4) Chippewa Valley Progressive Network:
-Organizer: Sarah Godlewski, contact info:
-Lindsey is the ACLU rep. @ Progressive Roundtable Meetings
-First “event” planned Sunday, November 12th. Citizen Engagement Summit. Details will be forthcoming—Peter Levine will be a keynote speaker, CVCLU can have a booth there during breakout sessions. The event will run from later morning to early evening. Molly McGrath, newly hired for People Power, will also be speaking at the Citizen Engagement Summit.
5) Sexual Assault Complaint—an alleged sexual assault took place off campus; the incident was reported but it was stated that the police didn’t come. The legal director for the state that was contacted was very responsive; there remain several questions, however. Teresa will write to David Edwardson to further inquire.
6) State Board Report: sent in email, no further questions
7) Student Alliance: Teresa will work with Anna on getting this started and will begin the process; Emilio is willing to meet with groups ahead of time; CVCLU would serve a facilitating role
8) Annual meeting plans, anniversary celebration: Ann will make contact about potential dates; Mildred will check about availability of the UUA to host; the state meeting and anniversary celebration could include a recap of ACLU victories/happenings and a program by Emilio. It was determined that the event would include a chapter meeting first (potentially with training); then the state meeting and celebration.
9) Chapter board training-There is interest; possible topics include orientation material for new members, discussion of the history of ACLU
10) Nominations for the board report (Teresa): Teresa will need an update list of nominees; the list will be added to the newsletter; Teresa will talk to Selika, Kailee and Mohammad will renew/begin a new term
11) Fall newsletter and student help—Ann contacted Stephanie Turner to hire an intern for the task of creating the fall newsletter with an insert. The updated by-laws or recommended changes will need to be included as well. Myron motioned $150 be allocated for the production of the newsletter; Mildred seconded and the motion carried.
12) Bylaws review: Mildred, David, and Teresa will continue looking at bylaws in committee and will bring them to the next meeting. Please let the committee know if you feel passionate about any changes.
13) Myron moved to adjourn, Teresa seconded; meeting adjourned at 7:00.