Board Meeting, Minutes - February 16th, 2020
ACLU-WI Chippewa Valley Chapter Board Meeting MINIUTES
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Seekers Room
421 South Farwell Street, Eau Claire
Board members present: Lindsey Brandrup, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Ann Francis, Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Kelle Moran, Teresa O’Halloran, David Shih, Pa Thao, Paul Wagner, John Wiltrout, LJ Wells, Eliza Wiegel.
Board members absent:
Guests: Zoe, Kim Cronk.
1. Call to order at 5:05 pm
2. The board members introduced themselves and a welcome to new board members was given.
3. The minutes from the January 12, 2020 meeting were approved as circulated.
4. John gave the treasurer’s report for the month of January. We received a $50 donation and there were no expenditures. Balances are Checking: 1050.46, Savings: $5.01.
5. David gave the state board report. Nikki Todd is the new president and Marcos Guevara is the new director of finance and administration.
6. Kelle, David, Ann H., Ann F., and Mildred were at tables at the MLK Day celebration at St. James church. The tables went well. Ann F. said there was a lot of energy. Selika reported that Uniting Bridges was happy with the event and they were glad to have us.
7. Ann F. gave an update on Smart Justice Lobby Day in Madison. Ann attended, along with Zoey (guest) and others, including some from ExPO. Ann looks forward to working with this group again to advocate for Smart Justice goals.
8. Selika gave an update on One Read Eau Claire. February was Ibram X. Kendi’s How to be an Anti-Racist, March is Tragic Mountain. Selika requests that board members participate where we can and use our networks to publicize the books as well. Selika will send David the list of books and the link to the website when they are ready and David will share with the board.
9. The SWAG Committee (Ann F, Ann H, Mildred, Pa) provided an update. Ann F., Pa and Mildred met and went through what we have. Mildred passed out a list of items the committee wants to buy.
Selika moved and Lindsey seconded a motion that the swag committee be authorized to spend $500 for infrastructure and swag, motion carries.
Eliza and LJ join the swag committee.
10. The Communications Committee provided an update. Pa and Ann H. will work on the newsletter subcommittee and Kelle and Selika will work on the social media committee.
11. David provided an update on letter to local educational institutions on racist incidents. Teresa will forward an email list of ECASD principals.
12. A discussion of ACLU-WI CVC representation at upcoming events was tabled.
13. A Q&A with new members was tabled.
14. New business: Selika is going to ask Emilio about legal observer training in March.
15. The meeting adjourned at 6:40.
Selika is going to ask Emilio about legal observer training for March