Board Meeting, Minutes - May 17th, 2020
MINUTES, May 10, 2020
ACLU-WI Chippewa Valley Chapter Meeting of the Board of Directors
Via Zoom
Board members present: Lindsey Brandrup, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Ann Francis, Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Kelle Moran, Elsa Murray, Teresa O’Halloran, David Shih, Pa Thao, Paul Wagner, LJ Wells, Eliza Wiegel, John Wiltrout.
Board members absent: none
1. The meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m.
2. The minutes from the April 5th meeting approved as submitted.
3. John gave the treasurer's report: No change in accounts, savings at $5.01 and checking at $1035.46. ACLU-WI has recommended that we close our current savings and checking accounts based on our own local federal EIN (employer identification number) and start new savings and checking accounts based on the ACLU-WI EIN. This will also give us the opportunity to change the official name on the account to the ACLU of Wisconsin Chippewa Valley Chapter. John W. moved these changes, Paul seconded, motion carried.
4. Selika gave the state board report. William Sulton is the new president of the state board.
5. Ad Hoc Committee Updates
Beer and bill of rights: The board decided not to have an in-person beer and bill of rights. The board discussed options for using distance meeting technology for the beer and bill of rights. Options discussed included a moderated presentation, Q&A, and open discussion, possibly using Zoom, Google docs, Facebook fundraisers, or a combination thereof. The board appointed the subcommittee of Paul, David, and Lindsey to work on the event. The subcommittee will report back to the board with its ideas.
6. Standing Committee Updates
a. Swag– no update
b. Communications
i. Newsletter – Pa created a template that she and Ann H. will be working with.
ii. Social Media
· Paul set up the Google drive
· Selika wants to talk to State before starting the Snapchat
· David took pictures of today’s Zoom meeting to post online
· Paul will send drop box link again
7. Affiliation updates
· OneRead is suspended until July
· Pride not happening
· Juneteenth not happening
8. The board discussed ACLU-WI CVC potential responses to COVID-19-related civil liberties issues, including the disproportionate effect of Covid on incarcerated people, anti-Asian racism, and Wisconsin Legislature v. Palm (2020 WI 42). Mildred will work on a draft for a letter summarizing actions taken for posting on FaceBook and potentially for emailing to membership.
9. Old business –
a. No progress on schools letter, the board will consider updating it at a later time.
b. Selika will re-send Powerpoints on legal observer training
10. New business
c. Ann H. brought up the student who suffered racist bullying, and how her obituary included her own statement on the bullying. The board discussed a possible event for students to write something about their own experiences. We hope to flesh out this discussion via email before next month’s meeting.
d. Selika is doing a website for State ACLU celebration of the ACLU’s 90th birthday.
11. Ann moves to adjourn, Paul seconded, adjourned at 6:35 pm.