Board Meeting, Minutes - November 9th, 2011
Chippewa Valley Civil Liberties Union
Board Meeting Minutes for Sept. 11, 2011
David Rice’s office, Eau Claire
Present: Zoe Bowman, Myron Buchholz, Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Nicholas Passell, David Rice, Stephanie Turner, Eleanor Wolf (presiding)
Absent: Shu Cheng (notified)
Minutes of the July 17, 2011 meeting were approved as circulated.
Treasurer’s report
David reported a current balance of $847.87 in the checking account and $5.01 in savings. CVCLU has received one membership rebate check from state for $30. David has submitted the yearly financial report to state on August 25. That report included statement of $98.40 net at last year’s fundraiser event.
Annual dinner meeting
Details of the annual dinner/fundraiser/program are developing as follows:
Date: Wednesday, October 26
Site: Unitarian Universalist Church for annual meeting and program;
Houligans for dinner/fundraiser (Nick will finalize arrangements there.)
Panelists: Eau Claire Chief of Police, Jerry Matysik
Selika Ducksworth, Chancellor’s Fellow for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Caitlin Lee, former president of the Hmong Mutual Assistance Association
Person yet to be engaged from the Public Defender’s office
Program title: Racial Profiling in the Chippewa Valley
Publicity will be arranged by the program committee (Mildred, David, Nicholas, Ann).
Nominating Committee
Eleanor appointed Zoe, Myron, and herself to be the Nominating Committee. Board members reviewed the membership list to find potential candidates. Zoe and Eleanor agreed to contact the first choices. Myron and Ann agreed to follow further leads if necessary.
Banned Books Week September 24 to October 1
Board members reported about school contacts assigned at last meeting:
Myron– Memorial H.S.: the librarian has declined to do a display this year.
Eleanor- Regis H.S.: will contact science teacher (former librarian), but the time
may be too short.
Shu emailed report– North H.S.: Librarian Dan Nesbitt reported that North has
School wide activities planned.
Mildred– South Middle School: contact not made
Zoe offered to arrange a display at Memorial High School, working with the Teen Literacy Club
Chippewa Valley Pride Day and Picnic
Ann and Stephanie reported on their booth activities. Shu brought supplies sent from state and Ann brought banner and standards. Especially popular on the hot day was an ACLU fan, soon carried by many visitors to our booth. At least 37 people stopped by our table. We collected two memberships and several other membership envelopes were given to interested people. We gathered 15 names and email addresses for our email update list. Many people were interested in or celebrating with us the recent ACLU court victory for the right for transgendered persons to continuing medication while in the Wisconsin prison system. Ann reported about meeting a possibly unique lesbian couple legally married in Wisconsin: after 35 years of marriage one spouse transgendered and continued the legal marriage to the satisfaction of both spouses and children involved.
Ann asks that all copy for the newsletter be emailed to her by October 1: Eleanor’s annual report, candidates for board and their bios, and Nick’s information about dinner choices and prices at Houligans.
The board discussed developments and possible legal challenges to the new Photo ID law and Wisconsin’s reapportionment law, and also the Troy Davis death penalty case.
Next meeting: to be determined after election of new board members. David can offer his office space either Sunday, 11/13 or 11/20 if convenient for others.
Adjourned: 7:55 p.m.
To do:
Eleanor: write annual review, contact board candidate, and contact person at Regis about Banned Books Week.
Nick: finalize arrangements with Houligans and report to Ann for newsletter,
Zoe: make display for Banned Books Week at Memorial and contact board candidate.
Mildred: contact South Middle School about Banned Books Week.
Ann: assemble and print annual newsletter.
Program committee (Mildred, Nick, David, Ann): Complete plans for the annual meeting program.