Board Meeting, Minutes - August 9th, 2020
ACLU of Wisconsin Chippewa Valley Chapter
Meeting of the Board of Directors
August 9, 2020
Virtual meeting via Zoom technology
Board members present: Lindsey Brandrup, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Ann Francis, Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Kelle Moran, Elsa Murray, Teresa O’Halloran, David Shih, Pa Thao, Paul Wagner, LJ Wells, Eliza Wiegel and John Wiltrout.
Board members absent:
1. The meeting was called to order at 5:00
2. The board approved the minutes from the July 12, 2020 meeting.
3. John gave the Treasurer’s Report. Balances are: Savings Account: $5.01, Checking Account: $1,235.46 We received two $100 donations.
4. Selika gave the ACLU-WI State Board report. Alonzo Kelly is now is the secretary of the board, and plans a focus on racial justice work. The virtual State board annual meeting is August 27.
5. Paul gave an update on our plans for our August 24 Rights for All event with David Carlson: The event will be from 7-8 via Zoom and FaceBook Live. Paul will do an introduction, David Shih will provide an update on chapter activities, then David C. will speak for 20 minutes. Paul will then moderate questions, with help from David Shih and Pa Thao who will help feed questions from the chat to Paul. We will provide the Milwaukee chapter with the FB live information. Paul will reach out to Alyssa Mock, the new communications person at State to ask her to send an email to our members.
6. Update on meeting with Chippewa Falls High School administrators
On July 23, Selika, Teresa, Kelle, and former CFHS students met with CF administrators. The administrators informed us that an Ad hoc committee on diversity and racial justice will be created. Personnel issues related to a teacher complained about by the students are being addressed. We can expect a statement following on the George Floyd murder from School District Administration after their next school board meeting.
7. The Board discussed issues related to free speech on Facebook.
8. Discussion of recent meeting of ACLU-WI Chapter Boards
David met with Milwaukee chapter board and they are feeling ill-served by state board. We may collaborate with them in the future. David will keep in touch.
9. David provided the status for board members whose terms are expiring at the end of the year. Ann Heywood announced she would resign at the end of her term. Board members thanked and congratulated Ann for her excellent service. Selika will run for re-election.
Mildred, Teresa, Pa will be nominating committee, Mildred will chair.
We will consider program ideas for our annual meeting at our September board meeting.
10. Ad Hoc Committee / Standing Committees / Affiliations Update
11. Old business (Menomonie Instagram)
12. New business (Inquiry from CF – David, Selika
13. Announcement:
Mildred: City of EC is planning on creating an anti-racist task force, Mildred told Emily Berge that we saw it in the paper that ACLU would be involved, so Mildred asked her to make sure we are included.
Ann F. – how to streamline school complaint issues that come to us.