Board Meeting, Minutes - November 16th, 2008
Chippewa Valley Civil Liberties Union
Board Meeting Minutes for 11.16.2008
David Rice office, Eau Claire
Present: Shu Cheng, Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Nicholas Passell, David Rice, Eleanor Wolf Absent: Tom Ahrens, Myron Buchholz, Corey Hilber, Bob Nowlan
1. David called the meeting to order at 6.40 p.m.
2. About five topics were added to the agenda.
3. Ann summarized the minutes for the benefit of those who are new to the board. The minutes were approved as previously distributed.
4. Nick distributed the treasurer’s report with a balance of $236.32 in checking and $5.01 in savings at RCU. Postage for our annual newsletter was $102.50. Because our newsletter order at first was lost, Digi-Copy printed this year’s newsletter free of charge.
5. David welcomed our new board members, Shu Cheng and Eleanor Wolf. Ann will email some orientation information (about duties and calendar). Bylaws are available on our website, .
6. We discussed thoughts and reports about the annual meeting and program. About 40 people attended the program, including the speakers. The university was a useful venue for involving students, but it seemed more cold and formal than the more inviting library or UU settings we have used in the past. We felt that all parts of the program were interesting and well done, but six speakers made a long program; in the future, four or five speakers would be enough. We collected about 40 signatures on the felon re-enfranchisement petition, which Ann delivered to the ACLU office. She copied a few new email addresses to the “CVCLU interested” email list. Ann reported that she talked with the person who had concerns about alleged election irregularities and public servant misdeeds which we discussed last time. That person has not yet followed through on the suggestions we made to him and reported no new developments. David sent thank-you messages to the speakers.
7. Ann reported on ACLU-WI president Erik Guenther’s presentation on the Bill of Rights at the NWEA Convention. Unfortunately the attendance this year was very small, under 10. Erik also presented a Know Your Rights workshop at UW-EC later that day. He explained practical information for students on avoiding trouble in dealing with police and legal matters. Mildred hosted a small party at her house later that evening. Several students had a chance to engage with Erik and a few local board members. We hope to include one of those students, Dane, in our board meetings after Corey leaves in January.
8. We elected the following officers unanimously: President, David Rice; Vice-president, Tom Ahrens; Treasurer, Nick Passell; and secretary, Ann Heywood.
9. We discussed having a social fundraiser at his house as proposed by Bob Nowlan earlier this year. Board members seem willing to bring hors d’oeuvres or items for a pot luck. We did not choose a date since Bob was absent and Mildred remembered that she has promised to host a cocktail party for ACLU supporters and prospective new members early next year; we will not want to hold two fundraising events too close together. David will call Bob to ask what he has in mind.
10. Mildred noted that a recent state board meeting in which chapter finances were discussed suggest that our bylaws should contain a dissolution clause. We can do that at the next annual meeting after notice is given. Ann also reported that it is likely that we will need to add a state staff or board member name to our RCU account. David and Nick need to meet at RCU to update the access list to our account and remove Ann’s name.
11. Ann reported discussion at the November state meeting about the ACLU gun ownership policy in light of the recent D.C. Vs. Heller Supreme Court decision establishing a personal right to own and bear arms.
12. Shu reported concerns about religious outreach targeted to international students by off-campus groups. She will inquire further into policy and practice of outsiders using university email lists and allowing proselytizers into dorms as well as policies involved with mentoring students through the Service Learning office.
13. The next board meeting was set for January 18 at 6:30 at David’s law office, 116 W Grand Ave. We intend to continue to meet on Sundays in odd numbered months.
14. The meeting was adjourned about 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Heywood