Board Meeting, Minutes - August 17th, 2014
Chippewa Valley Civil Liberties Union
Board Meeting Minutes for August 17, 2014
Herrick and Hart Law Office, 116 Grand Ave., Eau Claire
Present: Myron Buchholz, Ann Heywood (recording), Mildred Larson, David Rice, Sara Thielen, Stephanie Turner, (presiding),
Absent: Shu Cheng, Anna Lane, Alida Markgraf, Paul Wagner
Stephanie called the meeting to order at 6:50.
The minutes of the May 4 meeting were approved as emailed.
David reported a balance in our treasury of $764.18 following payments for postage and Chef Tony (both for our Marriage Equality fundraiser) and Chippewa Pride table.
Ann previously mailed the latest state board report with information about the Over-Incarceration working group, ACLU activities in regard to police misconduct, our new coalition website, and the Wisconsin Film Festival featuring a film about a 1971 FBI break-in. The board briefly discussed issues connected with over-incarceration.
The board discussed our recent Eau Claire events. A press conference announcing our ACLU coalition with Fair Wisconsin and Freedom to Marry to form Wisconsin Unites for Marriage on August 7 had a good turnout of press, speakers, and audience. Wisconsin Public Radio, WQOW (ch.18) and WEAU (ch.13) all sent reporters. Our speakers included Kristin Hansen, ACLU Development Director; Virginia Wolf; Carol Schumacher; and clergy from Christ Church Cathedral, all speaking about securing LGBT marriage rights and petitioning Attorney General J. B. van Hollen to drop his appeal of the June U.S. District Court ruling declaring Wisconsin’s ban Unconstitutional. Stephanie had petitions available and so far has collected 52 signatures. Others have signed online. Although Paul Wagner staffed our table at the PrideFest, Sara Thielen gave an overview of the day’s events.
Note (but not discussed at this meeting): Our May 14 fundraiser at the Schlegelmilch House, was our most successful ever, raising over $4000 for the ACLU effort to overturn Wisconsin’s gay marriage ban and featuring a inspiring speeches from ACLU’s Kristin Hanson, lead plaintiff Virginia Wolf, Carol Schumacher, Stephanie Turner, and Bob Nowlan. Over 80 people attended the event.
The day after Judge Crabb’s decision on June 6, the CVCLU also celebrated the ruling at Pizza Plus with a quickly organized but successful event.
Stephanie reported and the board discussed plans for our upcoming annual meeting and program. The committee has met several times with our partners, the Chippewa Valley Educators – Retired board members Judy Willink and Gail Halmstead as well as Carol Craig, who currently teaches a UW-EC class on school policy to work out details for venue, invitees, program title and content wishes. Dr. Julie Mead, UW-Madison expert on public school policy, will be our speaker at 7:30 p.m. on October 8 in the Eau Claire Room at the public library. Our annual meeting will be held in the Red Cedar Room prior to the program. Stephanie will write a grant for a presentation by Dr. Mead at UW-EC for faculty development earlier in the day, which should provide a stipend for her.
Sara proposed either a potluck or a pizza supper prior to the meeting on the 8thfor our members. The board decided to arrange a pizza supper at Pizza Plus. Attendees will pay $10 for the food at the event rather than making reservations ahead of time. The newsletter will include a note about making donations. Sara will make arrangements with Pizza Plus.
The annual meeting will include a vote on three Bylaws changes: 1) stipulating that chapter officers shall be elected for no more than two two-year terms, 2) requiring the board to meet at least four times per year, and 3) board and general membership meetings shall operate according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Details of the changes will appear in the annual newsletter.
Terms for Ann and Shu as well as our student representatives will expire at the end of this year. Myron agreed to coordinate the nomination process as well as seek new student representatives. Other nominees were suggested and will be asked to join us.
Ann will edit and assemble the annual newsletter. It should be in the mail no later than September 25. She will contact the Chippewa Falls Copy Center about our needs.
Ann has helped plan with Isa Small at the L.E. Phillips Memorial Library a Banned Books celebration, which will be held September 24 at 7 p.m. in the Eau Claire Room.
11. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.