Board Meeting, Minutes - June 11th, 2017


Meeting of the CVCLU Board

June 11th, 2017

Unitarian Universalist Church, 421 South Farwell St., Eau Claire

Present: Ann Heywood (chair), Lindsey Brandrup (recording), Mildred Larson, Paul Wagner, David Edwardson (guest), John Wiltrout (guest), Mohammad Alasagheirin, Myron Buchholz

Absent: Anna Leffel, Teresa O’Halloran, David Shih, Kailee Berg

1. Call to Order: Chair Heywood called the meeting to order at 6:38 pm.

2. Minutes: The minutes of the CVCLU Board meeting of May 7 were approved with an addendum to #15: She recommended The Cooperative Children’s Book Center because they are an excellent resource in book censorship challenges.

3. Treasurer’s Report: There is a new format that keeps a running total instead of a beginning and end balance and that allows for more room for explanation of expenses. The current balance is $1060.79. There was an expense of $55 for LGBT Pride Fest.

4. Senior American’s Day Report: Overall a success with about 50-60 people stopping by/picking up information, 3 people were added to the email list. The cost ($75) seems worth it though the demographic is limited. *A note about new memberships was made—those who take forms and sign up online do not qualify for CVCLU rebates.

5. Pride Fest Report: About 30 people stopped, few knew much about the work of the ACLU. Eleven people signed the email list. Potential areas of interest are the requirement of WI requiring name changes to be published as a potential site of discrimination for trans people. We discussed potential outreach to UUC and UCC as allies as well as the LGBT Center.

6. People Power Update: Mildred met with Daria Hutchinson about the meetings with law enforcement to evaluate whether the policies match with the People Power steps identified. Mildred, John, and Daria agreed to organize the next meeting with the Eau Claire Police Chief.

7. Progressive Round Table: 5-7 groups had representation at the round table. The group is still very much forming; Lindsey attended on behalf of the CVCLU. First goals are a “progressive calendar” and a network contact list.

8. Beer and Bill of Rights Report: June 21, Lazy Monk 5-7; $80 in tokens, first 25 people receive a free token, Board members will contribute; Mildred/Ann/Lindsey and Paul will bring snacks. Publicity on Facebook and email (from state) as well as calling. Paul will send a script; others will call names in order Myron (1), John, Mildred, Ann, Teresa, David S., Mohammad, Lindsey, David E., Ann

9. Menomonie High School: religious diversity report: David E/Mohammad/Ann attended the community forum. There were about 230 people in attendance, the overwhelming majority in favor of cultural diversity in the classroom. The purpose was identified as discussing the teaching of religion in school. In July the School Board will meet to vote on the policy. No immediate action is required or desired from the CVCLU.

10. Menomonie HS Yearbook Update: The student suspended and some thought would not be graduating this year, due to the coded message in a senior quote. We are discussing the role of the CVCLU in this case.

11. Elk Mound Middle School: Parent reported no problems since Ann’s letter to the principal; daughter has worn shirt again.

12. Kailee Berg contacted Margie Craemer from North and will contact the GSA again in the fall. Dave Valk, Principal at North, wasn’t aware of the black student who left due to bullying. Mildred will follow up with the source of the story.

13. Meeting Time: Brief discussion of moving meeting time. Some wanted earlier times while others wanted later; another suggestion was to work harder to limit the meetings to an hour and a half by sticking to the agenda and minimizing tangents. Will discuss next time.

14. Next meeting on July 9th at 6:30 at the UUC.

15. Meeting Adjourned at 8:09 pm.