Board Meeting, Minutes - July 11th, 2021


ACLU of Wisconsin Chippewa Valley Chapter

Meeting of the Board of Directors

July 11, 2021

Virtual meeting via Zoom technology

Board members present: Lopa Basu, Ann Francis, Kirby Harless, Mildred Larson, David Shih, Pa Thao and Paul Wagner.

Board members absent: Lindsey Brandup, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Cali Eisenhuth, Ehren Lapp, Elsa Murray, Teresa O’Halloran, and John Wiltrout.

Visitors: Ann Heywood

Recorder: Paul Wagner

1. The meeting was called to order at 5:09 PM.

2. The minutes from the June 13, 2021 meeting were approved with one minor amendment.

3. David gave the treasurer's report. There has been no activity since last month. Balances are savings: $5.01 and checking: $1,042.63.

4. Dr. Jeneise Briggs, Eau Claire new city/county EDI coordinator, did not join the meeting, so David will try to reschedule her Q&A session for a future meeting.

5. David reported on several issues relating to ACLU-WI:

· Chris Ott is leaving the executive director position at ACLU-WI as of 7/15/2021.

· The state board president has constituted a transition team to help in the search for a new executive director, and David is on this team and has been participating in this process.

· An interim executive director will be announced soon, presumably close to Chris Ott’s departure date.

6. The Juneteenth gathering was a good event for our chapter, with many contacts and 40+ names added to the email list.

7. The board discussed the possibility of another Beer and Bill of Rights event in 2021. Given the late date, Paul having family issues that prevent him from being able to work on this, and turnover in the state office that may preclude their assistance, the board agreed by consensus to postpone this event for a year and to focus on the fall general membership meeting and associated program. Pa offered use of equipment to assist in holding the fall meeting as a hybrid in-person and virtual event.

8. Old business

The board discussed the possibility of returning to in-person meetings. Given uncertainty on the safety of this, the board agreed by consensus to continue meeting remotely.

9. New Business

A local ACLU member asked if our local group is doing or aware of any local events for Disability Day in July 2021. David and others are not aware of any local events, and we will communicate this to our member.

10. Announcements

· In relation to Chris Ott’s departure, Mildred and David noted communication with Chris that he enjoyed participating in our chapter events and we enjoyed having his assistance and presence.

· David will send an email message to our board asking for volunteers for the Nominations Committee, as we need to find candidates for Kelle Moran’s position and any other board members whose term is expiring.

11. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.