Board Meeting, Minutes - September 9th, 2015
Chippewa Valley Civil Liberties Union
Board Meeting Minutes for September 20, 2015
Herrick and Hart Law Office, 116 Grand Ave., Eau Claire
Present: Myron Buchholz, Ann Heywood (recording), Marni Kaiser, Mildred Larson, David Rice, Dr. Mahmoud Taman, Stephanie Turner (presiding); guest Mark Ruddy
Absent: Sara Thielen, Paul Wagner
1. Stephanie called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
2. The minutes of the August 23, 2015, meeting were approved as emailed.
3. David reported income of $50 (donation) and debit of $44 for Local Store room rental. Balance on hand is $5.01 in savings and $665.50 in checking. He distributed a corrected treasurer’s report for fiscal year April, 2014 through March, 2015 which showed expenses for the year of $973.68 and income of $280.
4. The first business of the evening was development of the annual meeting plan for October 28. The meeting site has been moved from the library to the UUC to accommodate a larger crowd. Paul Reed, Chief U.S. Probation Officer for the Western District of Wisconsin has agreed to be on our panel. Chris Ahmuty, will be a panelist as well. We discussed other possible panelists. Stephanie will ask Tianna Glenna. Mark will ask Jerome Tiller from EXPO (Ex-prisoners Organizing), a subsidiary of WISDOM.
David will be moderator.
Stephanie will make up a press release and program to distribute at the presentation.
Mildred will be greeter at the meeting/presentation.
Stephanie will do publicity at the university and send ad to Volume I. Mark will do publicity at CVTC. Ann will print 25 posters and email one to Mark; Mildred will distribute posters around town. Myron will find the press release list we formed several years ago and forward to Stephanie and Mildred.
5. Ann will prepare the annual newsletter with mailing date goal of October 7. Stephanie will get yearly report to her by September 30. Myron will help with the postage and labels for the newsletters. Ann has asked state for three sets of labels: members, recently lapsed members, and long time lapsed members. Newsletters to recently lapsed will have a reminder to update membership. Ann will write a letter to the long-time lapsed members asking them to rejoin and send that with the annual newsletter in an envelope.
6. Mildred will contact Chris Ahmuty to get program information for the October 29 presentation on civil forfeiture to be held at Volume I. Ann will have 25 posters made for this event.
7. We discussed board candidates again. Stephanie will be stepping down from the board. Mildred will run for one more term. We are unsure of Paul’s intentions. Stephanie will ask possible candidates at the university. Ann will ask a Memorial teacher she met last summer. Stephanie and Sara Thielen will complete the candidate preparation and make ballots.
9. The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
The next board meeting is November 15.
Announcement: the JONAH CommuniTea will be October 18, 4 – 6:30 p.m. at Emmanuel Lutheran Church on Golf and 93. A light meal will be served. John Nichols will be the featured speaker.