Board Meeting, Minutes - November 11th, 2009

Chippewa Valley Civil Liberties Union

Board Meeting Minutes for 11.15.09

David Rice office, Eau Claire

Present: Myron Buchholz, Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Nicholas Passell, David Rice, Stephanie Turner, Eleanor Wolf.

Absent: Shu Cheng, Dan Perkins.

  1. David called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

  2. Ann read aloud the minutes from the annual meeting of September 30. The annual meeting minutes were accepted as read and the minutes of the September board meeting were approved as previously distributed by email

  3. Ann reported on and delivered $300 in rebate checks from state for our new member recruitment work since December 2007 through September 24, 2009. Nick distributed the treasurer’s report with a balance of $535.67 at RCU and a $30 check to be deposited. Total assets equal 865.67. Nick noted that our newsletter expenses were paid by an anonymous donor. Nick will provide a breakdown of expenses and receipts for our September fundraiser at the next meeting.

  4. Myron requested we add discussion about the CVCLU history project to the agenda. Mildred requested that Ann make a new board list (names, contact information, officer positions, and terms) to distribute to board member; also update board list on website. Ann should post the bylaws update that was approved at the annual meeting. Ann suggested a review of the board responsibilities and the annual calendar plan at the next meeting; she will email those lists in their current form to all board members.

  5. We discussed the success of the annual meeting. We all enjoyed the meal, meeting, and program. We missed the expected ice cream at Draganetti’s though. We approved the pleasant venue at the Altoona library. An estimated 40 people attended the program. We note that timing of the meeting was such that our CVCLU meeting went over into the time set for the public presentation, possibly making visitors feel out of place. (Two visitors left the presentation early.)

  6. Ann reported on the felon re-enfranchisement legislation (AB 353) progress. It appears that the bill did not get out of committee before adjournment of the Assembly last week. The effort to move forward can begin in the January session. Both Jeff Smith and Kristin Dexter have asserted their support for the legislation should it reach the floor. We are unsure of Senator Pat Kreitlow’s position. Legislators opposed say that the people are not ready for this yet. We should be prepared to step up the pressure in January.

  7. We elected board officers for 2010: President, David Rice; Vice-president, Stephanie Turner; Treasurer, Nicholas Passell; and Secretary, Ann Heywood.

  8. We reviewed the status of the Jason Zunker memorial on the Chippewa County Courthouse grounds. The extended date set for removal of the memorial passed last week without removal or action by the Building and Grounds Committee. The volunteers who raised money for the memorial have not come forth to vouch for possible legal defense as required. David distributed a copy of the letter he sent to the committee in September thanking them for their original action for removal. Eleanor will contact and update the Freedom from Religion Foundation and report back to the board by email. She will also get minutes from the Building and Grounds Committee meeting.

  9. CVCLU history: Myron reported that he discussed the CVCLU history project with a former student, Glen Eastman, who is enthusiastic about working on the project. He has already explored archives at the university. Ann received old minutes and other records from John Hibbard, former CVCLU advising attorney, after her request for such in the newsletter. Ann will contact Mr. Eastman to share her records and encourage his research.

  10. Mildred asked what is the status of the UWEC ACLU Student Alliance. We have not had any contact since January, but she has heard of its existence through state Youth and Program Director, Emilio De Torre. Stephanie offered to find out if it is a registered student organization and who the advisor is. Eleanor will email about it to Jeremy Gragert; Mildred will contact Emilio.

  1. The next meeting is set for January 17, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at David’s office.

  1. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

To Do:

All members:

Review minutes and report suggestions or approval to Ann.


Include discussion of board responsibilities and annual calendar on January agenda.


Update and distribute board list.

Email board responsibilities and annual calendar document.

Update board information, bylaws, and annual meeting minutes on website.

Contact Glen Eastman about CVCLU history project.


Include detailed information about income and expenses of the fundraiser and recent donations in the next treasurer’s report.


Find out about the UWEC ACLU Student Alliance—whether it is a registered student organization and who the adviser is.


Ask Emilio about the status of the UWEC ACLU Student Alliance.


Contact the Freedom from Religion Foundation about the Zunker memorial.

Obtain minutes of the recent Chippewa County Building and Grounds Committee meeting.

Report to the board.

Contact Jeremy Gragert and ask about the UWEC Student Alliance.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Heywood, secretary