Board Meeting, Minutes - April 8th, 2018
CVCLU Board Meeting of April 8, 2018
Unitarian Universalist Church, 421 South Farwell St., Eau Claire, Seekers Room
Board members present: Mohammed Alasagherin, Lindsey Brandrup, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Mildred Larson, David Shih, Paul Wagner, John Wiltrout
Board members absent: Ann Heywood Teresa O’Halloran, Kailee Berg, Anna Leffel
The meeting was called to order at 5:43 p.m.
1. The board welcomed new board member Nazish Khan.
2. The board accepted Anna Leffel’s resignation.
· The board discussed suggestions for students to join the board and tabled further discussion pending clarification of Kailee Berg’s status on the board.
3. The board discussed the minutes of its 3/11/18 meeting. David moved to approve the minutes. Mildred seconded. The motion was approved.
4. John gave the treasurers report. In March there was no income and there was one expenditure of $75 for table at Pride. Balance in savings is 5.01, balance in checking is 751.39. The CVCLU chapter annual financial report was filed with the state ACLU.
5. Selika gave the state board report.
6. Old Business
· Progress on ACLU Student Alliance – Selika will contact Eric Kasper of the UWEC Political Science department.
· Report on March 12 ACLU/Uniting Bridges public panel on the issue of school resource officers at DeLong Middle School. Over 75 people attended, the school board adopted many of the suggestions into the policy draft.
· Report from Paul about his presentation at UW-Stout’s Center for the Study of Institutions and Innovation’s Civil Liberties Symposium.
· Chippewa Valley Pride event – CVCLU table/presence set for June 9
7. The board discussed new business.
· ACLU Supreme Court Justice campaign mailing
Members were concerned that the mailing looked like an endorsement and didn’t want the ACLU to seem partisan. We must be fair and accurate, and many board members thought that the only answer for refusals to respond should be “did not answer.”
8. Announcements
9. Adjourn