Board Meeting, Minutes - July 22nd, 2018
CVCLU Board Meeting of July 22, 2018
Unitarian Universalist Church, 421 South Farwell St., Eau Claire, Seekers Room
Board members present: Mohammed Alasagherin, Lindsey Brandrup (by phone), Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Teresa O’Halloran, David Shih, Paul Wagner, John Wiltrout.
Board members absent: Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Abby Green, Nazish Khan.
1. The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m.
2. The minutes from the board’s June 10, 2018 meeting were discussed. Mildred moved approval, Paul seconded, minutes approved.
3. The board discussed the treasurer’s report that John had emailed, balances are ___________.
4. The state board has not met since our last meeting, so no report. State board’s next meeting is July 28.
5. Old business
· The board discussed the Juneteenth event by Uniting Bridges. Our CVCLU table went well, Selika reported via email that Uniting Bridges was happy to have us there and that 435 people attended.
· The board discussed our upcoming Beer and Bill of Rights event. The invitation went out in the mail, Chris Ott and an immigration attorney from the Twin Cities will speak. Board members will bring food. Mildred is coordinating a dinner with Chris Ott and board members to follow the event. The board will continue to publicize via Facebook.
· The board discussed the Keep Families Together rally on 6/30/18. The event had a good turnout, Selika spoke.
· Lindsey and Ann attended a social event put on by Chippewa Valley votes. They will keep the board apprised of any collaboration CVV would like to do with our board.
6. New business
· Ann reported on her discussion with Chris Ott. CVCLU will continue to receive rebates of $30 when state ACLU is notified of a new membership is from our area.
· John reported that he had been attending board meetings of El Centro. He is going to continue to do so and will keep the board apprised of any relevant information.
· Ann and Selika had dinner in Eau Claire with Marissa Ocampo and Sean Wilson, new state ACLU staff. They were joined by Sarah Ferber of EXPO.
· The board discussed the fall program. We are looking at November 13-15, and plan a potluck for the annual meeting in the Unitarian Universalist Church basement with a program to follow upstairs. We discussed asking for state money to help pay for the event.
· The board discussed board vacancies, Lindsey, Mildred, Paul, David, and John have terms that are expiring and all agreed to run for another term. The board discussed adding two members so that it will consist of 11 regular members and 2 student members. The nominations committee was reconvened, and includes Teresa as chair and Mohammed. Teresa will ask Selika to assist as well.
7. The meeting adjourned at 6:25.