Board Meeting, Minutes - September 12th, 2010
Chippewa Valley Civil Liberties Union
Board Meeting Minutes for September 12, 2010
116 W. Grand Ave. Eau Claire, WI
Present: Myron Buchholz, Stephanie Turner, Dan Perkins, Nick Passell and David Rice
Absent: Shu Cheng, Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Eleanor Wolf
Call to order by David Rice at 6:38 pm.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as presented.
Nick reported no change in the balances in the bank accounts from June 30: $5.01 and $950.66
Myron updated us on the NWEA convention. Librarian Pam Gardow can’t be there so Myron will try to recruit another librarian. He will contact Leah Langby about attending.
Myron brought his concerns about medical insurance coverage. He knows of a woman who had an issue with her caregiver, and insurance billed her for three visits, which was her maximum yearly coverage, for only one visit. People need to complain to the state, for the state will deal with it only if there are many complaints about coverage issues. We discussed the problem of insurance and other contracts such as for credit cards that are long and complex and basically handed to the applicant to sign without any chance to read and understand them, and the insurer has a take-it-or-leave-it attitude. If you don’t sign, you don’t get the treatment, and the contract may have provisions favorable only to the provider. We were not sure what could be done, but people need to complain.
We discussed the annual meeting. The UUC hall is reserved. Nick is planning the dinner at Houligans. We discussed a 5:30 start time and $30 per person with two or three choices including one vegetarian. We need to get the information into the newsletter with a sign up sheet and send out the notice by email as well, to respond to Nick.
We discussed elections for board positions. Nick, Myron and David agree to stay on the board, but David would like to pass the presidency to someone else, and Nick would prefer not to continue as treasurer.
David will contact Chris Ahmuty about breakfast/lunch meetings and how he wants to handle his day. David will see if a group of attorneys might be interested and Stephanie will check with the campus GLBTQ group.
State and local issues: the only one mentioned was the Zunker memorial.
. Stephanie said she could help Ann with the newsletter.
Adjourned at 7:30p.m. The next (annual membership) meeting will be on October 20 with dinner starting at 5:30 pm and the program at the UUC at 7:30 pm.
Submitted by
David Rice