Board Meeting, Minutes - January 9th, 2022


ACLU-WI Chippewa Valley Chapter Board Meeting

Sunday, January 9, 2022, 5:00 p.m.

Via Zoom Technology

Board members present: Kirby Harless, Teresa O’Halloran, Ann Francis, Liv Nelson, David Shih, Stella Pagonis, Julie Bomar, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Lopa Basu

Board members absent: Lindsey Brandrup, Katie Bushman, Cali Jo Eisenhuth, Liz Krieg, Ehren Lepp, Elsa Murray, Pa Thao

Guests: John Wiltrout

1. The meeting was called to order at 5:05

2. The board members and guest John Wiltrout introduced themselves.

2. The minutes from the September 11, 2021 meeting were approved as circulated.

3. John Wiltrout, guest/outgoing Treasurer gave his report. RCU account balances are savings: $5.01, checking: $898.63. We received $100 in honor of the inspirational service to the local Board and Chapter of Ann Heywood and Mildred Larson. We expended $244 in November for postage the reimbursement for postage from the annual meeting invitation postcard that David sent to the membership.

4. Selika gave the State Board report. The board discussed state issues and our regional representation on the state board.

5. The board reviewed the November meeting. We appreciated the presentations of Ali Shaadie and Wendie Sue Johnson. We would like to prioritize increasing attendance at our events, especially the annual meeting. We will also possibly look at increasing press coverage.

6. The board discussed nominees and volunteers for officer positions. Selika moved and Lopa seconded the slate of:

David Shih: President

Pa Thao: Vice President

Lindsey Brandrup: Secretary

Teresa O’Halloran: Treasurer

No further discussion, the slate was unanimously approved.

7. The discussion of Student Representative positions was tabled.

8. The discussion of state of chapter 2022 goals was tabled.

9. The board discussed meeting frequency. We will not meet in November due to the annual meeting. We will likely not meet every month. Our next meeting will be February 13 at 5 pm via Zoom.

10. Announcements: Selika will share the MLK event information on our Facebook site.

11. The meeting was adjourned at 6:33.