Board Meeting, Minutes - March 8th, 2009
Chippewa Valley Civil Liberties Union Board
Meeting Minutes for 3.8.09
David Rice office, Eau Claire
Present: Myron Buchholz, Shu Cheng, Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Nicholas Passell, David Rice.
Absent: Tom Ahrens, Corey Hilber, Bob Nowlan, Eleanor Wolf
Guest: Eric Rosenquist from the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign
1. David called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.
2. Several topics were added to the agenda.
3. The minutes were accepted as previously distributed.
4. Nick distributed the treasurer’s report with a balance of $236.32 in checking and $5.01 in savings at RCU: no change since last meeting. Report accepted. Ann asked whether David and Nick have updated signatures and access rights to the account at RCU. Not yet.
5. David reported that Eleanor talked to Phil Chute about getting a table at the Farmers Market. Tables are no longer available to community organizations except the few that have been grandfathered in.
6. Shu has recommended that a to-do list be part of the minutes.
7. Guest Eric Rosenquist explained plans for a panel presentation he is arranging for the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign coming up March 26 at 7:00 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church. The topic is campaign finance reform. Eric asked for CVCLU sponsorship and perhaps participation in the panel. Several members expressed frustration with the “buying” of recent Supreme Court elections, but Ann pointed out that ACLU policy, so far as she recalls, does not support eliminating issue ads at election time. We discussed having a truly balanced panel, ideally getting a good speaker from Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce to balance out the well-versed Mike McCabe from the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign (which supports reform). Another possibility would be getting a knowledgeable panelist from ACLU-WI. Mildred will find out and report back what the official ACLU policy on campaign finance reform is. Nick moved to co-sponsor the panel presentation. Myron seconded. Shu amended: contingent on assembling a balanced panel. Motion carried. Eric will contact Ann with suitable ad for sending to our email list of members.
8. We reviewed developments of The Flip Side magazine’s alleged censorship problem discussed in January. Jake Schafer, who brought information to us last time, was not present to report on his meeting on the topic with the campus ACLUSA. However, we have heard that the publication has a new advisor in the geology department and the censorship issue has become moot. Bob Nowlan has also reported through emails that he was no longer interested in being the advisor, and he did not have an obligation to do so. The publication does not have an automatic right to university support. Former CVCLU board member Dan Freund had written a letter of support for a free press to the chancellor.
9. Ann reported that she worked with Dan Freund to update the CVCLU website and now has the capability to do regular updates. See
10. Mildred explained plans for an awareness/development event for ACLU-WI on April 16, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Schlegelmilch House. Invitations will go out from the Milwaukee office. All board members are asked (and those present approved) to bring an hors d’ oeuvres for 30, preferably something substantial enough to help keep hunger at bay through the dinner hour. Myron promised meatballs in sauce, for instance. Others should let Mildred know what they wish to bring ahead of time to ensure a variety.
11. We discussed a local fundraiser, but since David has not heard from Bob about his plans and because the costs may seriously offset the income, we decided to postpone until fall when we can advertise in our annual newsletter. Also, several board members have made progress recruiting new members to the ACLU.
12. Nick did find a recruit for the ACLU-WI committee studying the ACLU-WI position on gun control.
13. We did not have any suggestions for the Northwest Education Association Convention in October. Proposals are due in May, so members are asked to keep thinking about this opportunity and share ideas by email before our May meeting.
14. The next board meeting was set for May 10 at 6:30 at David’s law office, 116 W Grand Ave.
15. The meeting was adjourned about 8:10 p.m..
To Do:
v All members:
1. Plan hors d’oeuvres for the April 16 ACLU event at the Schlegelmilch House and report to Mildred.
2. Review minutes and report suggestions or approval to Ann.
3. Submit ideas for NWEA Convention by email to the board before next meeting if possible.
4. Recruit new member to the ACLU using envelope marked with “WIE”
5. Stay tuned for March 26 panel details.
6. Note May 10, 6:30 for next meeting.
Find out and report the ACLU policy on gun control.
1. Update website. Post minutes, March 26 event, and April 1 6 event.
1. Draft email note to accompany membership form to send out to our elist.
2. Sign account papers at RCU.
Sign account paper at RCU with David.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Heywood, secretary