Board Meeting, Minutes - 2019


Chippewa Valley ACLU Board Meeting

Unitarian Universalist Church, 421 South Farwell St., Eau Claire

May 19, 2019

Present: Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Teresa O’Halloran, David Shih, Pa Thao, Paul Wagner, John Wiltrout.

Absent: Mohammed Alasagherin, Lindsey Brandrup, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Abby Green.

1. The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m.

2. The board accepted the minutes from the April 14 meeting, as amended.

3. The board discussed the Treasurer’s Report. Balances are 5.01 in savings and 632.81 in checking. John sent an annual report to State ACLU.

4. State board report: None

5. The board discussed the planned table at the Pride Festival at Phoenix Park on June 8. Mildred will coordinate the volunteers and bring the box. Pa will contribute a tent. David, Mildred, Pa, and Teresa volunteered. Mildred was going to check with Abby about volunteering.

6. The board discussed the free speech issue. We concluded that we will not represent ourselves as experts on ACLU positions on this or other issues.

7. The board discussed holding a Beer & Bill of Rights event. Venues discussed were Brewing Projekt, Forage, and Lazy Monk. Some think the Lazy Monk is too small. Paul is going to check on price for the Brewing Projekt. We are thinking the date would be August 5 or 6. The theme will likely be the abortion issue.

8. The board discussed whether to ask the State ACLU to do a mailing to invite people to the Beer & Bill of Rights event and whether to use them for this fall’s newsletter.

9. The meeting was adjourned at 6:05.