Board Meeting, Minutes - December 12th, 2020
ACLU of Wisconsin Chippewa Valley Chapter
Meeting of the Board of Directors
December 13, 2020
Virtual meeting via Zoom technology
Board members present: Lopa Basu, Lindsey Brandrup, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Ann Francis, Kirby Harless, Mildred Larson, Kelle Moran, Elsa Murray, Teresa O’Halloran, David Shih, Pa Thao, Paul Wagner, LJ Wells, and John Wiltrout.
Board members absent: Eliza Wiegel.
Guests: Ann Heywood (past president)
1. The meeting was called to order at 5:04.
2. The board welcomed our new members, Lopa Basu and Kirby Harless. Kirby and Lopa confirmed that they can participate at our typical meeting time.
3. The minutes from the October 11, 2020 meeting were approved as distributed.
4. John gave the Treasurer’s Report. There was one expenditure, a November 4 payment to Digi-Copy for our newsletters on in the amount of $888.18. We had two donations, for a total of $75.00. Account balances are savings $5.01, checking: $422.28. David will follow up on John’s request to Chris Ott at the ACLU-WI Office for partial payment of the Digi-Copy invoice.
5. Selika gave the State Board Report. Elliot Garb is retiring from the board. He started working with ACLU when he lived in Eau Claire. Mildred stated he was an excellent, highly principled, board member and a person of great integrity.
6. The board discussed November’s Fall General Meeting and program. We would like to increase attendance for next year. Ideas for promoting future meetings included: social media such as sending reminders to board members other social media organizing groups, sending an invite through the US mail in the annual newsletter as well as in email, use of free print or other local media by doing a press release.
7. The board discussed potential priorities for 2021, including: voting rights, communications with our members and potential members, attend Wisconsin lawmaking process, including regional budget hearings, fight disinformation, continue conversation with law enforcement, address racial hatred, Clarify our relationship with state organization, improve communication with members.
Teresa Paul, Ann F, and David shih agreed to serve on a membership subcommittee.
8. Under old business, David told us about an email from someone with problems with a coworker, and they want a labor law referral. He will follow up with the board via email.
9. the meeting adjourned at 6:40.