Board Meeting, Minutes - March 15th, 2015

Chippewa Valley Civil Liberties Union

Board Meeting Minutes for March 15, 2015

Herrick and Hart Law Office, 116 Grand Ave., Eau Claire

Present: Ann Heywood (recording), Marni Kaiser, Mildred Larson, David Rice, Sara Thielen, Dr. Mahmoud Taman, Paul Wagner (presiding)

Absent: Myron Buchholz, Stephanie Turner

  1. Paul called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm.

  2. The minutes of the January 18, 2015, meeting were approved as emailed with the addition of information about Gail Halmsted’s request for information from Stephanie.

  3. David reported a balance in our checking account of $660.50 and savings account of $5.01. There were no expenditures or receipts since the last meeting.

  4. Ann emailed the state board report before the meeting. There were a few questions about the legislative part of the report. See to learn what issues the ACLU is lobbying on with positions for or against.

  5. We discussed publicity, set-up, refreshments, and funding for Paul Wagner’s upcoming program, “Privacy, Security, and Technology: How Government and Business Are Accessing our Data in the Internet Age,” to be held April 23, 7:00 – 8:30 pm, at the Volume I Gallery at The Local Store. Mildred has already contacted Marion Ecks about publicity on the state website and our chapter email list. Ann has contacted Dan Freund about posting the program notice on our website. Paul will make posters to use around town and will advertise to the Progressive Student Association, the Democratic Party, CVTC, Jeremy Gragert, and several departments at the university. Mildred will post at the UU and the library, and she will write a press release. Board members will bring cookies. Sara will bring a big coffee pot. David will check on his supply of ACLU handouts and Ann will order more as needed. Ann moved to support the privacy program at The Local Store with a budget of up to $50. Motion approved.

Ann reported on discussions she has had with two people in the community. One concerned the opinion that racism is the root cause of the problems we see at the state level. The history goes back to the white flight from Milwaukee. Mildred and Ann will ask more questions about this at the next state board meeting. Perhaps a program about the history of racism in Wisconsin and its effect on our lives today with some focus on life in the Chippewa Valley would make a good subject for a future CVCLU program. Ann also reported on a conversation with a UWEC student who reported she confronted voter registration resistance at the City Clerk’s office during the last week of the last election cycle. Mildred explained law changes had probably confused the issue; she has found the City Clerk to be scrupulous in following election law.

  1. Stephanie relayed a request that another board member pick up the contact task concerning the Chippewa County Sheriff’s Department drone policy. David agree to do that. David, Paul, and Mahmoud are still interested in meeting with Sheriff Kowalszyk. Paul will research model language from state on drones. The committee will ask about their plans for addressing privacy.

  2. Ann agreed to call the adviser of the Memorial High School Gay/Straight Alliance to get a better idea about activities and plans, especially concerning any Day of Silence event.

  3. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.