Board Meeting, Minutes - August 28th, 2016
Meeting of the CVCLU Board
Law office of Hart and Herrick
August 28, 2016
Present: Ann Heywood (chair), Myron Buchholz, Mildred Larson, David Rice, David Shih, Joe Luginbill (guest)
Absent: Lindsey Brandrup, Marni Kaiser, Sara Thielen
Chair Heywood called the meeting to order at 6:38 pm.
1. The minutes of the meeting of July 10 were approved with one emendation: for item 1.5, the money sent for Dr. Taman’s memorial was sent to the ACLU of WI Foundation, not the ACLU.
2. Treasurer’s report from David Rice: the only change was $150 out for Dr. Taman’s memorial.
3. Joe Luginbill, a former CVLCU Board member and current member of the ECASD Board, presented his draft of new policy on Student Discipline and Restorative Programming. The Board discussed the draft policy. Some points of discussion:
Joe explained that the major changes to the policy are to the expulsion policy in that expulsions need to be accountable to the ECASD Board (and therefore to the public).
David Shih’s suggestion that the Incident Review Panel (IRP) be more inclusive of non-white families, perhaps adding interpreters or “auxiliary aides.”
Myron asked of draft policy item #3: does the Constitutional language appear anywhere else in the document? Why were they stricken? David Rice suggested that the stricken language be placed at the end of the item.
Ann suggested for draft policy item #4: “necessary” is a better word than “reasonable” in this context.
Item #1 under “Suspension” is a long, confusing sentence, and main points should be bulleted out.
In the section “Alternative to Expulsion Education Program and Incident Review Panel,” item #2 (expulsion for firearm), Ann made the point that the ACLU is generally against zero-tolerance policies.
In the section “Alternative to Expulsion Education Program and Incident Review Panel,” item #3, the item would read better bulleted out.
Some members gave Joe their personal edits to the draft policy. Joe will send revisions to the Board and will report to the ECASD Board that the ACLU has reviewed the document.
(The minutes following were taken by Mildred Larson after David Shih had to depart.)
4. Developing CVCLU Brochure (with report from Paul and David about complementary state materials)–postponed
5. CVCLU Facebook page – update from Paul—postponed
6. Cameras in public places–should we ask about governing policies in the use of cameras, that is, access, retention, uninformed uses, etc.?
David Rice volunteered to ask City Attorney, Steve Nick, for the city policy.
7. Membership recruitment efforts – David, Mildred, Ann
Mildred has finished her list. She left voice mail messages to those she couldn’t reach, alerting them to their membership lapse and the possibility of renewing online. David will get back to his list in September. Ann has been through her list.
8. Candidates for board – suggestions to fill two positions
David Rice and Sarah Thielen have decided not to run again for the board. It was agreed that we would like more diversity on the board. Myron will ask Selika Ducksworth if she is interested. Ann will ask Stephanie Turner to suggest an LGBT candidate. Mildred will check with Pa Thao at HMAA for suggestions.
9. Fall meeting program – topic, date, place, speakers
Racism was suggested as a topic for the fall meeting. Ann, David, Myron and Mildred will meet on Wednesday, August 31, to begin planning the meeting.
10. Annual fundraiser/dinner
The board decided to hold a fundraiser dinner before the annual meeting at Houligans.
11. Annual newsletter
Ann showed a slick newsletter from the Fox Valley chapter. The board decided to continue with our current format for this year.
12. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.