Board Meeting, Minutes - April 22nd, 2012
Chippewa Valley Civil Liberties Union
Board Meeting Minutes for April 22, 2012
David Rice’s office at 116 West Grand Ave., Eau Claire
Present: Myron Buchholz, Shu Cheng, Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, David Rice, Stephanie Turner (presiding), Beverly Wickstrom.
Absent:Zoe Bowman, Collin Hawkins, Joe Luginbill, Nicholas Passell,
Guest: Sara Adams
Stephanie called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. (Meeting had been postponed from planned date a week ago.)
Minutes of the March 25, 2012 meeting were approved as emailed, with minor editing by Ann.
David distributed the treasurer’s report. He has reserved a table at Bobfest North for $100, leaving our balances with $921.49 in checking and $5.01 in savings. Report accepted.
Ann reviewed and the board discussed the state board report focused on actions chapters can do to advance our causes (emailed before the meeting). She suggested we once again make calls to our members who do not have email address on file when we advertise our next public program. Asking for email address in conjunction with such a call will make it more natural. The board agreed by consensus with this plan. We also discussed setting up a Facebook page but will postpone that probably until after elections.
It appears that our planned program on surveillance at Memorial High School in May has not worked out.
6. Stephanie reported on an interview she had with WEAU-TV 13 aboutthe proposed legislation to expandWisconsin’s DNA crime database to include samples from those arrested for felonies, not just those convicted. In the interview she said we object to DNA collection at arrest because it violatesthe presumption of innocence
Sara Adams, Jeremy Gragert, Stephanie Turner, and City Councilman Andrew Werthman met with Police Chief Matysik to discuss the drone ordinance. Matysik expressed appreciation for the chance to have input. Andrew will arrange to have an information session for the City Council before taking up the matter for a vote. Sara will keep Matysik apprised of progress on the ordinance. Beverly recommended having a prosecuting attorney review the ordinance. Rich White was suggested.
Stephanie asked about getting an ACLU poster for the upcoming (May 2) Free Speech/Free Food Fest (postponed from April 18). She reminded the board of Collin’s special interest in this event and in making it better than last year. Stephanie will call Collin to connect him with Brianne at the University to discuss the event.
Bobfest is May 19, 8:30 to 5:00. Table is reserved. Myron has purchased two “Disappearing Rights” mugs for raffle. Stacy Harbaugh will be coming again to help staff the table. Ann, Myron, Stephanie (a.m.), David (a.m.) , and Beverly will help at the table. Shifts will be arranged by email.
Under Old Business Mildred brought up a question we thought had been settled a couple years ago: Do we have a dissolution clause in our Bylaws? A search of the minutes showed we approved the clause at the 2009 annual meeting. Ann will send out the updated Bylaws.
Sara asked whether this board is doing anything about the ordinance proposal for Eau Claire city workers expanding health benefits to registered same sex couples. The board agreed on talking points and a plan to contact City Council members by email and phone calls before the vote on Tuesday.
The next meeting will be June 24, 6:30, at David’s office.
The meeting adjourned about 8:05 p.m.