Board Meeting, Minutes - May 7th, 2017


Meeting of the CVCLU Board

Home of Mildred Larson

May 7, 2017

Present: Ann Heywood (chair), Anna Leffel, Teresa O’Halloran, Kailee Berg, Lindsey Brandrup, Mildred Larson, David Shih, Paul Wagner, David Edwardson (guest), John Wiltrout (guest), Charlie Huff (guest), Krista Ogden (guest), Nell Hefner-Johnson (guest)

Absent: Mohammad Alasagheirin, Myron Buchholz

  1. Chair Heywood called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.

  2. The minutes of the CVCLU Board meeting of April 10 were approved as distributed, with one correction (#10).

  3. Ann presented the Treasurer’s report. There was a $50 contribution from John Wiltrout, and a $40.22 out for printing the brochure. The report was accepted as distributed.

  4. Ann distributed copies of the new CVCLU brochure.

  5. The Board discussed its participation in Senior Americans Day on June 6. Paul and John volunteered to staff the table. They will need the CVCLU banner and 50 copies of the brochure.

  6. The Board discussed its participation in Pridefest on June 10. It will take place in Riverview park, Lions Pavilion, from 9:00 am-1:30 pm. Mildred and Anna volunteered to staff the table. They will use the materials from Senior Americans Day. Mildred noted that Kristen Hansen is putting materials together for us.

  7. The Board discussed the Beer & Bill of Rights event. We will ask Chris Ott to speak for 10 minutes. Paul will check with Lazy Monk on available dates for a room and will send these to Ann, who will forward them to Ott. June is ideal, but we should do it before July 8. Schedule for late afternoon, early evening (5-7 weekday, 4-6 weekend). Ann will copy Paul on an email with Chris Ott. Will work around Ott’s schedule. Ann says we need a publicity plan: email, phone, Facebook. Mildred will share the People Power list. Ann will get phone numbers from State ACLU and distribute to board.

  8. Mildred gave a People Power update. For now, the organizational emphasis is on immigration. Mildred has a list of 38 people. Daria Hutchinson will coordinate meetings with police. Ann wants her name put on list. Anyone who wants to meet with Daria can do so on Friday.

  9. Charlie, Krista, and Nell reported on an issue in the Menomonie school district. A parent of a student at Menomonie Middle School lodged a complaint about a teacher whose curriculum included reading the book I Am Malala and a follow-up talk on Islam by a guest speaker. The handling of this complaint by the school board and district administrator is seemingly irregular. There will be a public forum on the issue on May 15 at Menomonie High School beginning at 7:00 pm. CVCLU will write a letter to the district administrator expressing the concerns of the Board. David and Teresa volunteered to write the letter and will forward a copy to Charlie.

  10. The board discussed the Elk Mound Middle School censorship situation. A student was required to change clothes and promise not to wear again a T-shirt with the message “I’M STRAIGHT, GAY, BISEXUAL, LESBIAN, TRANS, QUEER, A PERSON” before she could return to class. Following the mother’s call to Ann, Ann has written a letter to the principal defending the student’s right to wear the shirt. Ann asked for volunteers to accompany her in a meeting with the principal if the letter does not change the principal’s position on the matter. Mildred and Anna volunteered. We need to find out what the dress code policy is. Ann will send the letter on tomorrow.

  11. The next meeting of the CVCLU Board is June 11 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation.

  12. Kailee reported that she has emailed the advisor to the Gender and Sexuality Alliance at North High School.

  13. Mildred reported that Jennifer Darr told a story about the bullying of a black student at North High School. The student has been transferred to Chippewa Falls High School, a decision supported by the North High School principal and the ECASD superintendent. Kailee will gather information on bullying of black students.

  14. Lindsey, Ann, and David E. will attend the Menomonie meeting.

  15. Mildred will send Krista Ogden info about The Cooperative Children’s Book Center in Madison. She recommended The CCBC because they are an excellent resource in book censorship challenges.

  16. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

David Shih
