Board Meeting, Minutes - July 14th, 2019
CVCLU Board Meeting. July 14, 2019, 5:00 pm
Seekers Room, Unitarian Universalist Church, 421 South Farwell St., Eau Claire
Present: Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Abby Green, Ann Heywood, Teresa O’Halloran, David Shih, Paul Wagner, John Wiltrout
Absent: Lindsey Brandrup, Mildred Larson, Pa Thao
1. The meeting was called to order at 5:05
2. Minutes from May 19 meeting were reviewed and accepted by the board.
3. John gave the treasurer’s report, indicating that the savings balance is $5.01 and the checking account balance is $632.81.
4. Selika gave a report from the state board meeting.
5. David, Selika, Teresa and Mildred reported on the Pride table, which went very well. We will plan on doing again next year.
6. The board discussed plans for the Beer and Bill of Rights program coming up on August 6 with Emilio and the program on Crimeless Revocation.
7. The board discussed Keep Families Together rally, at which Ann spoke. Teresa and Abby also attended.
8. The board discussed the Juneteenth celebration and our table. We thought the music was a little loud before the speakers for us to be able to have conversations at the table. However the event was excellent and we will plan on again for next year.
9. The board discussed the nominating committee for new board members to stand for this fall’s election. Teresa volunteered to lead the committee again and said she would ask Pa and Lindsey for assistance.
10. The board discussed the fall newsletter and meeting. Ann will ask Chris about funding a mailing. We are still thinking we will get a speaker or panel on abortion rights.
11. The meeting adjourned at 6:40.