Board Meeting, Minutes - August 12th, 2018


CVCLU Board Meeting of August 12, 2018

Unitarian Universalist Church, 421 South Farwell St., Eau Claire, Seekers Room

Board members present:

Abby Green, Ann Heywood - presiding, Mildred Larson, Paul Wagner - minutes, John Wiltrout

Board members absent: Mohammed Alasagherin, Lindsey Brandrup, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Teresa O’Halloran, David Shih

The meeting was called to order at 5:12 p.m.

1. The board discussed the draft minutes of the July meeting. Two corrections were made: the checking balance as of last month was $851.39, and John Wiltrout reported that he attended a general meeting of El Centro. The draft minutes will be published as corrected.

2. John gave the treasurer’s report. Balance in savings is $5.01; balance in checking is $650.91.

3. Nominations – Teresa has contacted several possible board candidates. Discussion postponed to next meeting.

4. Discussion with Chris Ott, ACLU-WI – Ann recently discussed several issues with Chris Ott, and she presented the following information:

a. Our chapter will soon be receiving a membership check for $145.00 based on recent paper memberships (regular and student) from our region. While this practice had fallen out of awareness, we should be back on track for receiving funds for future regional memberships.

b. We may be able to get future additional funding for other needs such as a banner. Question was raised as to whether we might be able to get a rebate amount for all memberships (paper and online) for our region, or perhaps a flat amount each year based on chapter needs such as the annual meeting.

c. Chris will be one of the three speakers at our upcoming Beer and Bill of Rights event on August 15th.

d. ACLU of Wisconsin has contacted all 72 county sheriffs to check on policies and actions for cooperation with US immigration authorities. While Eau Claire County does not have a policy, actions have been positive in terms of not cooperating without a judicial warrant for an individual’s detention. Chippewa County and Dunn County have not responded.

5. Beer and Bill of Rights Event, Wednesday August 15th, 5:00 – 7:00 PM at Lazy Monk Brewery event room

a. The speakers will be Kara Lynum (immigration attorney), Luis Solis (local individual who has benefitted from DACA), and Chris Ott.

b. We’ll have three activist opportunities – 1) a donation jar, with the fund destination to be determined, 2) postage-paid postcards with labels for US senators and representatives to write and send on immigration issues, and 3) an opportunity to sign up for a group to follow up on local county sheriffs’ actions and policies on cooperation with US immigration authorities.

c. Several board members will buy the 20 beverage tokens from Lazy Monk and we will distribute them to the first 20 non-board attendees.

d. After the event, we’ll meet for dinner with Chris Ott at the Informalist.

6. Chippewa Valley Votes – Ann reminded the board members of the opportunity presented by CVV to host house parties in August or September, with a CVV speaker provided. For more information, contact Lindsey or see her June 27th email message on this topic. Mildred Larson has volunteered for this.

7. ACLU Student Conference in Washington, D.C. – Abby attended this conference, and gave a very positive report about the events. 800 students attended this conference. Events included educational sessions, lobbying Congressional representatives, and a rally. Abby recommended this experience for future student board members.

8. Fall Program – Ann will email to set up a committee after the Beer and Bill of Rights event is completed.

· The meeting adjourned at 6:31 p.m.