Board Meeting, Minutes - March 10th, 2019

CVCLU Board Meeting Minutes

March 10th, 2019

Unitarian Universalist Church, 421 South Farwell St.

Board members present: Mohammed Alasagherin, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Abby Green, Ann Heywood (presiding), Mildred Larson, David Shih, Pa Thao, Paul Wagner, John Wiltrout.

Board members absent: Lindsey Brandrup, Teresa O’Halloran

1. The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm.

2. The minutes from January 13th meeting were unanimously approved.

3. The board discussed the previously emailed Treasurer’s report. Checking balance is $662.81 and savings balance is 5.01

4. State board report will be sent via email from Selika.

5. The board reviewed the Martin Luther King Remembrance event held on January 21. CVCLU presence was reported: the table in front was busy, and the table in the back not. Mildred noted a few membership envelopes taken.

6. Legislative action on Marsy’s Law was postponed, perhaps for the year. The board expressed concern that it will resurface this summer. ACLU-WI will work on educating the public of the problems with the proposal.

7. Mildred brought up the Pride Event at Phoenix Park this summer on June 8th and the need for the board’s presence there. The event setup is at 10:45 AM and starts officially at 11:30 AM and ends at 4:00 PM. The event costs $30 to register. John will take care of registration. Pa volunteered to bring a canopy and Mildred will bring materials. Mildred, Pa, Ann and Abby volunteered to table at different times to be specified at a closer date. Board brought up the idea to have a specific LGBTQA+ issue for action at the table. Selika will ask for ACLU guidance on something specific.

8. Selika brought up the Juneteenth event where we will have a table and an action petition focused on Smart Justice. Ann, Abby, and David volunteered to table the event. We suggested that Emilio or Sean might be invited as speakers.

9.Selika asked board members to email her for a “People Not Prisons” T-Shirt to wear at ACLU events if they don’t already have one.

10.. The board discussed the success of the state budget hearing workshop (sponsored by Public Education Network and ACLU-WI and others), held on March 9th. Selika, Mildred, Teresa, and Ann reported on active participation of 62 people and follow-up planning committees. The board discussed sharing the organizing ideas with all board members at a later time.

11. Ann asked the board to tell about events at which they attend and represent the CVCLU. Selika shared her ACLU representation at a La Crosse training in September, a JONAH Winterfest social isolation event on March 11th, as well as being asked to speak in April by the AAUW about Smart Justice at Stout University during Free Speech Week. She possibly will be speaking for the Eau Claire Free Speech Week as well. Mildred tabled at a Sunday service on community ministry at Unitarian Universalist Church, gave out several membership envelopes, and had a good number of people interacting at the table. Ann attended a meeting about experiences at the border sponsored by JONAH.

12. Considering the upcoming events, the board discussed how CVCLU board members should explain free speech and its limits at public events. The board agreed to read and share relevant material before next meeting to develop this discussion.

13. The board discussed making a formal relationship with JONAH and EXPO.

14. Abby mentioned she was accepted and is planning to attend the ACLU Advanced Advocacy Institute this summer in Washington DC.

15. The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.