Board Meeting, Minutes - March 6th, 2011
Chippewa Valley Civil Liberties Union
Board Meeting Minutes for March 6, 2011
116 W. Grand Ave. Eau Claire, WI
Present: Myron Buchholz, Ann Heywood, Nick Passell, Dan Perkins, David Rice, Stephanie Turner, and Eleanor Wolf
Absent: Zoe Bowman, Shu Cheng, Mildred Larson
Eleanor Wolf called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as emailed and posted on our website.
David distributed a bank statement from 2/28/11 showing a balance of $1049.06 in our RCU
checking account and 5.01 in the savings account. (No change from last meeting)
Ann reported on local work against the Voter Photo ID bill (SB). Since last meeting Eleanor has organized a sizable group of activists who have been busy fighting SB6. Through their efforts, both the Eau Claire City Council and the Eau Claire County Board have passed resolutions opposing the bill. The bill is now stalled in the state senate. Dan asked about how we can promote the ACLU name as we fight this bill and take on other civil liberties issues. Promoting ACLU memberships might be appropriate as this liaison develops. Dan also noted that the state assembly has weakened the bill by taking out funding. Ann added that the CVCLU and the Milwaukee chapters were the only two active chapters on this issue; our efforts are appreciated.
The date for the Dan Barker (from the Freedom From Religion Foundation) debate has been moved to April 14. Eleanor and Dan have met with about eight students in the Free Thought Society on logistics, but plans are not all settled. Eleanor is waiting to hear about scheduling the event in Schofield Hall. Dan requests that we ask Mr. Barker to discuss ACLU cases and Wisconsin cases since the CVCLU is helping to sponsor the event. Eleanor discussed with Virginia Wolf having the minister from Valleybrook Church as the debate partner; Wolf noted that he would be an articulate and suitable choice.
Stephanie reported that she, Mildred, and Zoe met this week to plan publicity for the showing of HOWLon April 9. Stephanie will do press releases, Mildred will send out a notice about the HOWLscreening to community calendars in local papers, and Zoe agreed to help post flyers. They will develop a poster. Advertizing at Memorial HS may be difficult because of another big event that night, but Myron recommended at least an announcement over the PA. We need a moderator for the movie showing since Stephanie cannot be there. Perhaps Mildred could do it, or Ann.
We discussed Bobfest, May 21, and what we need for a table there. Myron does plan to attend (as well as Ann and Mildred). Ann will check with Stacy Harbaugh about suitable materials to have on hand. Myron suggested we purchase a sign or banner; he will check around and get one made. Ann moved and Dan seconded spending up to $100 for a suitable banner. Ann will send Myron a copy of the ACLU-WI logo.
Shu was not present to give a report on the alleged discrimination case at The Pickle tavern. David says he thinks the case is going to court. We hope to hear more next time.
Ann reported on developments at ACLU-WI. Board President Erik Guenther has resigned as he is taking on an assignment in Belize. Patti Keating Kahn is the new state affiliate president. After another resignation from the Executive Committee, Ann has been asked to join that committee as an at-large member. Ann reports that memberships in the ACLU-WI have declined in the last year and our efforts to recruit new members are as important as ever. The ACLU-WI has taken on a felon disenfranchisement case to challenge the law itself as unconstitutional. Finally, Ann reported that state is asking chapters to assign a public relations/communications person to work with Harbaugh on messaging and responding to questions from media. The board approved the idea. Ann moved, seconded by Stephanie, that Dan Perkins be our media contact person. Motion carried.
The next meeting is scheduled for May 8, 6:30 p.m. at David’s office.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Submitted by
Ann Heywood
To do:
Eleanor: Continue to work on committee to plan Dan Barker’s program. Request Barker make
the ACLU connections in his presentation.
Update CVCLU contact information at the library.
Dan: Continue to work on committee to plan Dan Barker’s program, as needed.
Send media contact information to local news sources.
Nick: Continue to work on committee to plan Dan Barker’s program, as needed.
Ann: Contact Stacy Harbaugh about materials for Bobfest. Also report to her that Dan Perkins
will be the media contact for our chapter.
Send logo to Dan (for media contacts) and Myron (for banner).
Mildred: Carry out publicity plans for HOWL.
Stephanie: Carry out publicity plans for HOWL.
Zoe: Carry out publicity plans for HOWL.
Myron: Have a suitable professional banner for the CVCLU made.