Board Meeting, Minutes - March 11th, 2018
CVCLU Board Meeting of March 11, 2018
Unitarian Universalist Church, 421 South Farwell St., Eau Claire, Seekers Room
Board members present: Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Teresa O’Halloran, David Shih, John Wiltrout
Board members absent: Mohammed Alasagherin, Kailee Berg, Lindsey Brandrup, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Anna Leffel, Paul Wagner
The meeting was called to order at 5:43 p.m.
1. The board discussed the minutes of its 2/11/18 meeting. Mildred moved to approve the minutes. David seconded. The motion was approved.
2. John gave the treasurers report. Balance in checking account is $815.39. (Teresa will correct last month’s minutes to reflect $815 not $850). Savings balance is $5.01.
3. There has been no state board meeting since the board last met, so no report.
4. The board discussed old business.
· We still hope to meet with Charlie Huff to discuss the Menomonie School District diversity policy and related matters.
· Mildred reported that she had requested and received more “know your rights” materials from state ACLU. The student version was not available.
· Teresa reported that she had spoken with Eric Kasper of the Political Science department who thought he may know some interested students for an ACLU Student Alliance. Teresa told Eric that Selika would be following up.
o Teresa reported that she had discussed with Eric Kasper the programming that UWEC is planning around the new regent freedom of expression policy.
· Ann reported on her efforts to secure a student panelist for the ACLU/Uniting Bridges public panel on the issue of school resource officers, taking place March 12 at DeLong middle school. Kailee had said she may be able to participate, depending on her work schedule, and Ann also had also asked another student from North about participating.
5. The board discussed new business.
· The board discussed the walkouts for high schools planned for March 14 in protest of gun violence in schools, and the board’s support of student and teacher free expression.
o The board discussed Lindsey’s email stating that teachers had been told not to discuss their opinions on the walkout.
o The board discussed Superintendent Hardebeck’s email to parents, which seemed mostly supportive of at least the students’ rights.
o The board discussed potential repercussions of the district’s application of its attendance policy with regard to those students walking out.
· Ann reported on activities in opposition to Senate Bill 54.
o The bill provides that anyone on probation who is charged with a violent crime probation will have their probation revoked, and an amendment allocates $350 million for the additional need for prison space caused by the bill.
o Ann sent a letter to the editor of the Leader Telegram.
o Ann reported on the state ACLU lobbying activities against the bill.
· The board discussed tabling at the Pride festival in June at Riverview park. Teresa moved to allocate up to $100 for the table fee, David seconded, motion passed. Mildred will follow up with John regarding payment details.
6. Announcements
· Paul will present a paper at the UW-Stout civil liberties symposium on April 4 and 5.