2011 Annual Meeting
Chippewa Valley Civil Liberties Union
Annual Membership Meeting Minutes – October 26, 2011
Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 421 S. Farwell St., Eau Claire
1. President Eleanor Wolf called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m.
2. Ann Heywood distributed copies of the minutes of the Annual Membership Meeting from October 19, 2010. They were approved as written.
3. David Rice, Treasurer, reported a balance of $847.87 in checking and $5.01 in savings on September 30. We had income of $935 for dinners and donations in October and expenses of $761.38, a net gain of $173.62. The checking balance is $1021.49
4 Five candidates for the board of directors were introduced and elected by unanimous vote: Shu Cheng, Collin Hawkins, Ann Heywood, Joseph Luginbill, and Beverly Wickstrom.
5. Stacy Harbaugh, ACLU-WI Communications Strategist and guest to our chapter meeting, discussed five important things to do.
a. Get involved in local chapter.
b. Help organize on the local level around voter ID problems. ACLU has started work to challenge the law. Stacy reported a story about a woman who needed a photo ID in order to get her birth certificate. Drive people to the DMV or give other assistance to get ID and to vote. Gather stories.
c. Let people know that in the absence of racial profiling data collection (the new law has been repealed), people who experience racial profiling can go to the www.aclu-wi/story to report their stories.
d. Sign up for ACLU statewide action alerts.
e. Find ACLU on Facebook and Twitter and participate. Keep the communications going.
6. Next board meeting was set for November 20 at 6:30 p.m. at David Rice’s law office, 116 W Grand Avenue.
7. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15, with the program following at 7:30.
The program, “Racial Profiling in the Chippewa Valley” featured four panelists: Jerry Matysik, Eau Claire Chief of Police; Selika Ducksworth, Chancellor’s Fellow for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at UW-EC; Caitlin Lee, Equal Opportunity Specialist at UW-EC and former president of the Hmong Mutual Assistance Association; and Eric Kasper, political science professor at UW-Barron County and municipal judge in Rice Lake.
– Ann Heywood, secretary