Board Meeting, Minutes - September 8th, 2019
Meeting of the CVCLU Board
Unitarian Universalist Church, 421 South Farwell St., Eau Claire
September 8, 2019
Present: Ann Heywood (chair), John Wiltrout, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, David Shih, Lindsey Brandrup, Mildred Larson
1. Chair Heywood called the meeting to order at 5:04 pm.
2. The minutes of the July 14 meeting were approved as corrected:
· add Abby Green’s name to #7
· Lindsey’s name is misspelled in #9
3. John presented the Treasurer’s Report. The Chapter received:
· $30 from State ACLU for membership rebate
· $150 donation from Beer & Bill of Rights
· $40 donation from Pride event (not from Larsons – John will correct); no expenses from event
· $852.81 in checking account (after $220 credit); $5.01 in savings account
4. Selika presented the State Board Report. She will communicate to State Board:
· Student ACLU organization up to 25 students
· Students will work with CVCLU archives on academic project
· Students want trainings for protests/legal observer (maybe for November)
5. The Board discussed the Beer & Bill of Rights events at the Brewing Projekt. Comments included:
· Not as crowded or hot a space as Lazy Monk but acoustics not as good and event can’t grow
· Mildred reported that Lazy Monk is willing to open the whole floor for another event
· The Pablo is a possibility but event must be catered
· The Board will continue looking for new space
· Donations and sign-ups from the event were good
6. Ann reported on Abby Green’s experiences at the Summer Institute:
· not quite as exciting as last time
· staff not quite as prepared for repeat attendees and need a new angle
· ACLU should advertise an application process in high schools
Lindsey knows a student at Memorial who might be a good candidate for Board membership. The Board discussed how a student from each high school in Eau Claire (maybe Chippewa Falls HS) would be ideal
7. The Board discussed plans for Fall program and meeting.
· Potential speakers include Cheryl Thiede from the Options Fund (Mildred will call), Sarah Thielen,,Stephanie Roe, Dana Wachs (Selika will call), Chris Ott, A student
· Topics might include abortion, birth control, religion and reproductive rights, abstinence-only curricula
· Lindsey will email Jim Schmidt (cc:ing Selika and Ann)
· Selika will email ECASD sex ed standards to the Board
· Mildred will find out about using space for child care; Lindsey will find out about other issues (check with Pa)
· Possible dates include 11/5, 11/6, 11/7 at the UU Congregation
· Meeting and meal downstairs at 6:00; program at 7:00
· Title of program would be something along the lines of “The State of Reproductive Freedom”
8. Ann asked members to send any CVCLU-related photos from the past year to her.
9. The Board discussed Nominating Committee business.
· Possible candidates include Kelly Moran; Brian Bazile (Selika will contact), Ann Francis (Selika will contact), Teresa O’Halloran
· We should have 3 candidates (including Teresa)
· David will chair Nominating Committee if Teresa is running
10. Selika said that she will email a draft of recommended policy for transgender inmates (from Zoe Roberts at National Pride).
11. David made a motion to adjourn, Mildred seconded. The motion was approved without dissent, and the meeting adjourned at 6:39 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
David Shih
Secretary for the meeting