Board Meeting, Minutes - December 2nd, 2018
Agenda - CVCLU Board Meeting. December 2, 2018, 5:00 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church, 421 South Farwell St., Eau Claire
Board members present: Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Abby Green, Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Teresa O’Halloran, Pa Thao, John Wiltrout, Paul Wagner.
Board members absent: Mohammad Alasagherin, Lindsey Brandrup, David Shih.
Guest present: Joyce Anderson (Jonah immigration task force)
1. The meeting was called to order at 5:05.
2. The board welcomed new board member Pa Thao.
3. The board welcomed guest Joyce Anderson from JONAH immigration task force.
4. The minutes from the October 14, 2018, meeting were reviewed. Mildred moved approval, John seconded, motion carried.
5. The minutes from the annual meeting were reviewed.
6. John gave the Treasurer’s Report. We paid the sextant $56 for the annual meeting and collected donations of $126. We never received acknowledgment from national for our check of $333, which cleared on September 6. Ann will email Kara and Molly at state. Current checking balance is $824.16 and savings balance is $5.01. Teresa moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Paul seconded, motion carried.
7. The board discussed election of a vice president. After four years of service, Paul is term- limited out of this office. Paul will continue as webmaster. The board decided that it would defer the discussion and appointment of the vice president until its January meeting. All other officers will stay in their roles through 2019.
8. Selika gave the state board report from December 1 meeting. Selika declined to consider serving as representative to national board.
9. The board discussed our fall meeting and program. The meeting was not very well attended. The program was slightly better attended and Sean Wilson did an excellent talk. We are not sure that the email state sent went to all the members we had hoped to reach. We did not do a good job promoting the meeting and program through the Facebook page. We discussed how to improve social media marketing. Selika is going to reach out to Jeremy Gragert who used to do social media for Chippewa Valley Museum.
The board consensus was that the newsletter looked great and it was good not to have to pay for layout, postage, and printing. Ann said it was a lot of back and forth with state and took a lot of her time and state staff time to get it done. She is going to follow up and see what Chris thought as to how it went.
9. Joyce Anderson from JONAH joined us to discuss collaborating on immigrant assistance work. She discussed the recent ICE sweep of our area. She mentioned the possibility of creating rapid response team. We need to be able to remind immigrants of rights and need information on what to do if ICE comes again and what are the legal rights for immigrants. The webinar with Emilio from state ACLU was very helpful. He is well versed in immigrant rights, as well as practical advice on what immigrants need to do and what they need to look for.
We are going collaborate on an event featuring Emilio, who will do a rapid response training for JONAH, CVCLU, and other allies. We will consider locations, possibly one of the churches where the immigrant community is comfortable meeting. Barb Nelson and Dave Anderson from Jonah are leads, Selika will liaise with them.
10. The board discussed making better connections with Menomonie CVCLU members. We will get a list of Menomonie members from state, and Selika will contact a colleague from Stout. We will consider a Menomonie beer and bill of rights.
11. The board discussed the Uniting Bridges MLK and Juneteenth programs. King Program is January 21. Mildred moved we have a standing decision we participate with a table at MLK, Juneteenth, and Pride, Teresa seconded, motion carried. Paul will work on CVCLU slides for display at MLK program. Ann, Teresa, Paul, and Pa volunteered for MLK tabling.
12. Our next meeting will be at 5 p.m. on January 13, 2019, at the same location.
13. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30.