Board Meeting, Minutes - January 13th, 2019

CVCLU Board Meeting Minutes

January 13, 2019

Unitarian Universalist Church, 421 South Farwell St.

Board members present: Lindsey Brandrup, Mohammed Alasagherin, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Abby Green, Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Teresa O’Halloran, David Shih, Pa Thao, Paul Wagner, John Wiltrout.

Board members absent: NONE.

1. The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm.

2. The minutes from December 2 meeting were unanimously approved.

3. The board discussed the previously emailed Treasurer’s report. Checking balance is $662.81 and savings balance is 5.01

4. Ann told the board that she had discussed the possibility of being vice president with David Shih. Following discussion, Teresa nominated and Selika seconded the nomination of David Shih for Vice-President. The nomination was unanimously approved.

5. Selika presented and the board discussed the tabling, promotion, and other plans for the Martin Luther King Remembrance event coming up on January 21.

6. Marsy’s Law: The board discussed the ACLU position on Marcy’s law, a version of which has been proposed in Wisconsin. The board discussed the possible upcoming vote (the required second vote) in the state legislature to make a change to the Wisconsin Constitution. If it passes, the voters will approve or not in the spring election. The concern is over how this amendment would curtail basic Constitutional rights of the accused and lead to unintended consequences. Our hope is that the vote will be postponed at least a year so that there can be a more complete educational effort.

7. Pa presented on the new local nonprofit Black and Brown Womyn Power Coalition, of which she is the Executive Director. The organization provides culturally specific training to sexual assault and gender-based violence advocates. They help connect people with service providers, resources, shelters, etc.; and empower advocates in the field to come back and be trainers.

8. The board discussed the upcoming Emilio de Torre visit. He will be doing legal observer training with Sean Wilson on Feb. 9 for the Jonah immigration task force and some student alliance members. Emilio will also conduct WILD training on February 11. Selika will send materials for WILD training.

9. The board discussed networking efforts to generate some activities in Menomonie. Selika spoke with Victoria Sanchez at Stout, Ann is going to look in to the model that a Menomonie couple is using to facilitate community conversations. Mildred mentioned there is a League of Women Voters in Menomonie.

10. Abby mentioned that North High School was seeking a speaker for black history month.

11. The board discussed an event coming up on January 31 at Emmanuel Lutheran, called Our friends and neighbors at the border. Mireya Sigala and Kara Lynum (immigration attorney) are working on the event.

10. The meeting was adjourned at 6:10.