Board Meeting, Minutes - July 12th, 2020


ACLU of Wisconsin Chippewa Valley Chapter

Meeting of the Board of Directors

July 12, 2020

Virtual meeting via Zoom technology

Board members present: Lindsey Brandrup, Ann Francis, Ann Heywood, Mildred Larson, Kelle Moran, Teresa O’Halloran, David Shih, Pa Thao, Paul Wagner, LJ Wells, and John Wiltrout.

Board members absent:, Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, Elsa Murray, and Eliza Wiegel.

Guests: Sam Plasch, David Carlson

1. The meeting was called to order at 5:01 p.m.

2. The minutes from the June 2020 meeting were approved.

3. John gave the Treasurer's Report. There were no expenditures, and no income. Balances are $5.01 in the savings account, and $1035.46 in the checking account. The board briefly discussed whether to reveal names of donors and decided that the names of donors may be in the treasurer’s report unless anonymity is requested.

4. Meet and Greet with David Carlson. The board heard a presentation from our guest David Carlson, Eau Claire County Regional Organizer of ACLU of Wisconsin’s Rights for all Campaign. He joined that effort this year in February and the project will continue through the November election. He is also working with Barron and Wood and Dunn Counties.

The Rights for All mission is to mobilize the vote, promote voter awareness, and increase engagement. David is working in close collaboration with ACLU of Wisconsin’s Smart Justice effort and with EC Justice League, Expo, Wisconsin Conservation Voters, the League of Women Voters of Dunn County, and Chippewa Valley Votes. David Shih asked David Carlson to keep in touch and let our board know what assistance he may need from us. John suggested that David Carlson could come to our board meetings and do updates this fall.

5. Update on meeting with Chippewa Falls High School administrators (Kelle, Selika)

Kelle and Selika met with the Superintendent and other administrators to discuss the student incidents and concerns brought to our last board meeting. Their meeting lasted 3 hours and additional student incidents and concerns were discussed. Selika, Kelle, Teresa, and the students will meet with the administrators again on August 23. Our guest Sam Plasch is a teacher in the Chippewa Falls School District.

6. Discussion of Instagram message re: Menomonie High School (Kelle)

The board decided to further investigate the email that went out promoting a “Christmas in July” event at Menomonie High School. Kelle is going to answer the Instagram inquiry by sharing David’s contact information, so David can ask the Instagram poster to forward the actual email. David will contact Charlie Huff, the attorney from Menomonie whom we worked with on the I am Malala issue in Menomonie.

7. Facebook and Free Speech, previously tabled (Mildred)

Facebook and Free speech item tabled.

8. Ad Hoc Committee / Standing Committees / Affiliations Update (Juneteenth, ACLU in Action)

Juneteenth was successful, Selika was our main participant.

David Shih will reach out to David Carlson to see if he wants to co-sponsor an event, possibly on the Beer & Bill of Rights template.

Mildred, David, and Selika’s ACLU in Action presentation at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation on reproductive rights, immigrant rights, and Smart Justice was recorded, and will be shared with the board.

8. Old business

Student writing contest: We have not been able to reach the family of the woman whose obituary inspired the idea for the writing contest. We are going continue efforts to reach the family but also are considering whether to go forward with the writing contest under a different name.

9. New business (Uniting Bridges everyday racism)

Uniting Bridges Everyday Racism event tabled.

13. Meeting adjourned at 6:37.